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Afternoon welcomed itself into a new day full of sunshine and humidity. The children played outside happily in the sun with whatever they could. Adults spend their time near water or roaming the streets as did teenagers. One specific teenager however found himself in a bed holding in his arms someone who was much older than himself and yet he didn't mind it. 

With so much to worry of his developing relationship with a man who Jimin had come to gather he was in complete confusion about, he worried for something else that early noon. 

"They're not home...?" 

Jihyun on the other side of the cellular call was quiet for a second before confirming to his brother what he was just coming to realize. "No, the bed is made and everything. They didn't sleep here? Hyung that's really weird." 

Jimin frowned upon remembering something. "You were suppose to be home last night, you didn't hear them leave?"

At the end of his question there was a sharp inhale of the boy on the other side of the phone. Jimin sighed deeply as Jihyun explained his reason for having faked his suppose presence at the time. To summarize the long and unnecessary rambling that was given, Jihyun went out with friends without permission. Now because of that the two brothers had no idea of the whereabouts of their parents. It was unlike them to just leave without say, even weirder for them to ignore the calls and messages of their children. 

"I'm coming home soon, just try calling again and don't go anywhere." 

The phone was dropped back on the wooden surface of the nightstand besides the bed the two men laid. Curious to know of the conversation between the sibling, Yoongi asked what was so concerning that the muscles wrapped around him had tensed. The elder was very well cuddled into the arms of the younger boy as together they watched a series they use to watch only when they were together. Seeing that had not been so in a very long time, the two had spend their time awake doing so instead of addressing the issue of the night before.

"I've got to go-"

A loud bang stopped Jimin from finishing his sentence. It had not come from the room they were in but just outside it, not the streets. The unsettling noise caused both to sit up and stare at each other, waiting for another alarming noise. 

"What the hell was that?" Yoongi whispered, his eyes darting to the door. They kept still for a few more seconds until Jimin recalled something that caused his face to go pale. 

"The gun is outside."

The four words were all it took for Yoongi to move the fastest Jimin had ever seen him do so. He ran for the door but stopped before opening it. Slowly he turned the knob and peeked with a single eye through the crack he had created. It was tense for ten seconds. In that time Jimin prepared himself to run out if he needed. 

"For fuck sake, Taehyung!" 

Yoongi slammed the door into the wall and angrily stomped out of the room. A sigh of relieve was released by the now the second youngest in the apartment. Jimin shook his head frustrated by the sudden scare he'd been given. He climbed out of the bed and headed out to the living room to teach Taehyung a thing or two about knocking. Like Yoongi had done, he stomped out to the living room but stopped upon seeing two smaller version of who he expected. 

"Morning sleeping beauty." Taehyung said from the doorway of the kitchen, a cup in his hand. "Say hi boys."

The two little brunettes waved their hands in the air before going back to ripping up the magazine on the coffee table. Jimin looked to his friend with an expression that screamed for an explanation. 

"That's Tae," He pointed to a boy with a blue shirt and then to the one with a red shirt, "and that's also Tae. My parents are very creative as you can see."

D-Day II YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now