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"Let go!"

The screams of the young boy were heard but very much ignored. No one was interested to help the call from a stranger, they took it as classic party entertainment. The one being dragged away though wished for the state of idiocy to stop and for some action to be taken.

"Yoongi!" Jimin yelled at who grasped his arm so tightly.


The boy struggled to hold himself in place but Yoongi strength appeared to be stronger than his in the moment. Jimin tried physically snd verbally fighting his way out of the grip around his wrist until they were on the block of the shop. Yoongi would get cursed out, threatened, and insulted yet he didn't budge nor did he speak a word. Eventually Jimin gave up by the time they had arrived back to the apartment. He willingly walked the stairs so that he could scream out his lungs and not interrupt the conversation of a group down the street. Once in the house, hell let loose.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?"

"Me?" Jimin pressed his finger against his chest. "Are you being serious? Are you asking that to me!?"

"If not you then who the fuck else!?" Yoongi screamed back.

Jimin finger curled up into his palm so tightly the skin turned white. He was very red just like Yoongi. He didn't want to deal with this so he tried heading for the door but the hand on his arm stopped him.

"Let go dammit!"

"Why the hell were you throwing yourself at that guy!? Have you no shame!?"

"Excuse me!?"

"You were throwing yourself at him!"

Jimin moved back as if the words had been a physical push. He scoffed as he harshly pulled his arm away. Through his own angered and slightly confused eyes he stared back to who was flaming. Yoongi was angry, it very much showed.

"You think," Jimin spoke in a low tone," that I was throwing myself at him? What about you and Kyungsoo huh? You think I didn't see you?"

At the mention of the other male's name the elder's expressions softened just the slightest. It seemed he was taken aback by the fact that Jimin had indeed been around to see him with the man despite Yoongi having not caught sight of him for most of the night.

"We're friends so we can banter but you werent doing that. I could see you Jimin! You were just begging that guy to touch you!"

"And so what if I was!?" Screamed the boy outraged and done with the situation. The excuses he was getting were irrelevant.

"You're mine!"

"No I'm not! We're not together anymore, don't you get that!? I can be with whoever I want! If I wanted to sleep with that guy I could have and you wouldn't have a damn say in what did with with him!"

Yoongi crossed his arms and shook his head like a child in denial. Jimin exhaled deeply, filling the air around them with more smell of the toxic they both had drank. He was tired and annoyed, one of those things he was trying to avoid with alcohol.

"Quit shaking your head because you know it's true." Jimin huffed out just as Yoongi stopped the movement.

"You wouldn't dare."

By that Jimin became even more angered. Was Yoongi really thinking that he wasn't capable of making his own decision because of him? Did the man really think he stood in his way of something he'd want? Well he didn't and Jimin let that slip out.

"Daehyun can tell you otherwise."

A pinch of soberness struck Jimin just after the last word was released from his mind. He panicked as the look of surprise took over Yoongi's face. The eyes of the elder fell to the floor while the rest of him seem to freeze in place. All Jimin could do was think about the mistake he had made because his body gave up on the slightest inch of movement.

A whisper broke them both from their trances.

"I'm going to kill him."

Yoongi's heel took a turn that headed for his bedroom and then so did Jimin's. He begged for the man not to as he held his arm. One hand searched for something in a drawer while the other tried to push away Jimin. The younger cried to the man to not do what he was thinking.

"Y-Yoongi p-please! Please!"

Jimin begged and cried but upon seeing the gun he did both even harder. He grasped onto Yoongi with such a strength he didn't know he had but the man wouldn't budge. Yoongi screamed for Jimin to release him for what he was going to do was something that needed to be done. It made no sense to Jimin but that didn't stop his actions. What did was the strong push that threw him to the floor but what he said next was what stopped Yoongi.

"I love you!"

The man stopped in his track, the gun dangling from his hand. He turned his head to see where his actions put the boy, on the floor with tears on his face and breathless.

"O-only you." Jimin whispered.

Yoongi dropped the gun.

Jimin eyes followed the weapon to the floor where they both now laid. He stood up with a sense of relieve flowing through him. He still trembled as he hugged the man who he had wanted nothing more than to be away from just minutes ago. He thanked him in whimpers while he cried into his shoulder.

"Please tell me you lied." Yoongi whispered.

Jimin moved away to look the man at the face. Even though the room was dark it were clear that Yoongi was looking paler than usual but that wasn't eye catching as the single tear that was making it way down his left cheek from the watery eyes.

The look broke Jimin.

"I said I love you and you only."

The still atmosphere vanished as hungry actions were taken by both beings with movements towards the bedroom.

Ya'll been slacking with the comments. Please comment more, I love reading them.

Hope you enjoyed!


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