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"I saw him again."

"Are you sure?"

"Did I just not say I saw him again!? What do think, I'm making this up!?"

Jimin exhaled deeply into the microphone of his phone. Did the man on the other side really think he'd call to tell lies, or did he just think him to be that pathetic? Whatever the reason, the boy didn't care. The teenager's nerves were on the edge and it was become hard to stop the shaking of his body. He had seen the face of an artist who had his friend in love and created a piece of art work that had him feeling quite the opposite.

"No need to worry, just go to sleep okay. If you see him just let me know, have a goodnight."

The elder on the other side made it super clear through his tone that the sudden call was a disturbance to him. Jimin was aware the Yoongi was probably taking a nap or just doing nothing, regardless he wouldn't want to be bothered by something so meaningless. The boy was aware that his worries for the being was not needed but they was there. He couldn't quite described why the stranger gave the feelings. It could be perhaps the painting he saw from him or just pure instinct. Jimin tried to shake the thought from his mind and slept.

The next Monday arrived a lot faster than both the Park brothers expected. Don't get them wrong though, they were happy for two reasons. One being it was their free day and two because it meant they were only a week away from going home for a few days. The Monday after they'd be on a train back home where they'd be staying for a good five days, a week even if they are convincing. Until then they distracted themselves with what they could in town. The youngest brother was spending his evening in an arcade with some other boys he met while the oldest spent it with a friend.

Jimin laughed as Daehyun finished the story with a fall and growing pain in his nether region.

"Don't laugh! It hurt a lot!"

The younger didn't care how much it hurt, he found the story hilarious. He hoped that the fall served to Daehyun as a lesson to not try to leave his house when he's had one too many drinks. The two friends kept on dining their meals with random topics of conversations until Jimin brought up an odd one that made Daehyun pay more attention.

"My friend? You want know more about him? Why?"

Jimin shrugged causally. "I don't know, just curious I guess."

"Curiosity killed the cat Jimin."

The boy shrugged. "I know but I just want to know more about him. I mean I spend so much time at your place yet he's never come by. I've seen him around before you know."

At the last claim, Daehyun perked up. He stopped the spoonful of food from reaching his mouth.


Jimin shrugged. "That depends, are you going to tell me more about him?"

Daehyun was very intrigued by the suspicious behavior of his friend's. Jimin on the other hand was feeling the same way. He knew it was forward and odd of his him to ask such thing but he didn't care of looks anymore. He just wanted some answers and he planned to get them. This mysterious boy gave him some odd feelings, he wanted to get clues as to why.

"Junhong is your age...I think, I don't know actually." Daehyun looked out into the distance as he searched his brain for the knowledge. Eventually he gave up. "Anyway he likes to paint, draw, and do things that are not productive. He's silly and goofball."

Him? A goofball? Jimin could not believe what he was hearing. It was true that Daehyun is friends with him therefore they must know each other well. The description was asked to be continued.

D-Day II YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now