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A confused nineteen year old looked at his friend who was biting down on his lip nervously. He had been urged to an emergency meeting at a near by coffee shop on his way to buy some groceries. 

"Please!" Begged the younger boy who'd asked the question. "I know it's not ideal but you can't say no!" 

Daehyun sipped his drink through his straw as he thought over the request. It was true he was in not a bit social, especially with people nowhere near his age or so he showed. He'd avoid going out at all cost, so much he'd once paid Jimin to grab a few things for him at the store so that he wouldn't have to leave his house. As far as he was concerned, he really didn't need to attend this meet up and the reasons the younger gave were in no way valid. 

"What's in it for me?" 

Jimin hadn't thought about that, he really hadn't. In his moments of panic he had not bothered to stop to think of how he'd convince Daehyun into agreeing to the sudden invite. He knew the male wasn't one to want to do such thing voluntarily yet he hadn't bothered to even think of how to bribe him. 

"Well what do you want? I could do your dishes for a whole month!" Jimin exclaimed, he thought he had Daehyun now. However the boy was not one bit impressed by the suggestion. 

"Come on, you've got to have something better than that. I have little Jamie to do my dishes, you know that."

Jamie was a kid who lived a few floors down from Daehyun, slightly younger than Jimin's brother. He was a short with curly brown hair that was combed in a way that was very unflattering. The young boy would come up in the early mornings or after dinner to Daehyun to clean his plates and be paid for it. Jimin found that completely unnecessary but he couldn't exactly tell his friend how to spend his money. He tried, but Daehyun opposed to the idea and so did Jamie. 

"What do you want then?"Jimin whined. Daehyun looked down, thinking of something to ask of the boy.The younger was scared to know what he would come up with because whatever it was, he would have to agree with. His father wanted to meet his newest friend very soon, Jimin didn't have time to be denying any propositions. 

"I want my favor to be cashed in at anytime I want for anything I want."

Suspicious and slightly confused, Jimin quirked an eyebrow. He asked for Daehyun to explain himself. 

"Well you see I don't know what I want now so you have to make me a promise." Daehyun smirked, he leaned in. "I get to ask of you anything at any time I want and you will comply."

Jimin thought about the offer, it wasn't what he was expecting. Daehyun was his friend so he didn't think whatever the male asked from him for could be so bad. And so an agreement was formed and a promised said.

"So you'll come!?" 

"That was the deal wasn't it?" 

The younger launched himself forward to engulf Daehyun into a hug, the biggest smile on his face. He was so happy that the man had agreed, he really hadn't walked into the conversation thinking he'd be able to convince him. Jimin hugged him tightly, his actions were returned. 

"I didn't expect to make you this happy." Daehyun chuckled into his ear. In return Jimin giggled then pulled away, the big grin still on display. His friend stared at him for a few seconds before pulling on his cheek. "You're such a treat."

At the statement cheeks turned pink. 

"Thank you Dae. I have to go now."

Daehyun's mouth open to whine but Jimin's finger stopped him. He promised the man that he'd go see him soon but until meanwhile he should distract himself from drinking. As it is known, the boy loves to drink but Jimin wasn't all that fond of it. Lately he'd snatch the glasses from his hands and replace them with water. To distract Daehyun of his cravings, Jimin would find ways to keep him busy, whether it be by talking or watching something on television, he kept a drink out of his hand. 

"Fine, let me know the dinner information. Also, I need you to come pick out my clothes."

Jimin agreed that he would do just that but soon, he had somewhere to be now. He waved Daehyun goodbye then ran out of the building. His watch showed him he was behind schedule and so he was forced to make a phone call. The male to pick up agreed to stall the rest that awaited him, until mean time Jimin would be dashing from that part of town to the where he needed to be. Once he got there, he was sure to slip into the calm room very quietly. 

"Glad to see your face." Jin smiled at him as he transports a bag to the door besides him, the door Jimin had not crossed. He didn't care at the moment though, he wanted to talk to Namjoon. The man had called him up, claiming he had a small adventure for him and Taehyung to go one. Everyone else would be involved too however not all at once.

"Jimin you came!" Hoseok waved at Jimin from his spot in the sofa next to Taehyung. The younger one also greeted him before inviting him to sit besides them. In front of them was Namjoon, face buried behind papers. 

"Hyung says it'll only be two of us today," Taehyung whispered. "well three if Jungkook ever shows up."

Jimin nodded his head, he didn't mind the two of them. He hadn't expected to return to his friends anytime soon but he he was said to have a promising time between him and Taehyung if he attended, he couldn't refuse. Sohyun had also been urging for him to go back already, he was spending too much time with Daehyun and she claimed that to unhealthy. She wasn't all that too fond of him spending time with the sad boy but Jimin just thinks that's because that means he spends less time with her. 

"Where is that damn boy!?" Namjoon finally put the papers down. "He should have been here like half an hour ago!"

"He's a boy, let him be one Joon." Jin spoke up from the other side of the room. Namjoon agreed to the elder's request, for the time at least. As the two conversed the teenagers were abandoned by the only adult sitting with them. Hoseok had claimed to have received a text from a friend he must urgently needed to tend to. 

"Okay so it's simple, you've just got to go leave some papers for me." Namjoon said. "They're on the table with the address."

The two excited boys thanked the elder for requesting them the favor. They were excited despite their so called adventure being only to travel to a part of town that seemed non-existent. Regardless, it didn't matter because at least they'd get to do it together.


There are so many mixed feeling about Daehyun idk even how to feel anymore. 

Hope you enjoyed! 


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