Chapter 27: Ceremony

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(Wedding of Simon Cowell in the multimedia section, second bar)

Your P.O.V.

I took a deep breath, then exhaled. I lifted my skirt and started walking towards the mirror, gazing at my reflection.
I stood there, in a beautiful wedding dress. Yes, today is the day where Len and I swear our life together, a special day. Although it was tiring, it was worth it.


"Seriously?! That's way over budget Len!" I screeched, looking at the wedding plans.
"But we need to make it special!"
"Many people end up wasting 120% of their money on this! Dude, we need money for children too!"
"We haven't even went without protection [Y/N]!"
What happened was that the wedding costs were too expensive, so Len and I had to do many of the preparations ourselves, such as decorating the place ourselves, and making our own confectionary.
It wasn't bad, not at all. But, we did get into a huge food fight with our failed dishes which costed us some money. It was fun at the most.
"Len, why must we do this?" I groaned.
"You were the one who suggested we save money."
"Oh, so you are going to wear your pajamas to our wedding?"
"Our wedding theme could be pajamas-" I whacked his head and scoffed. Rude. Before the wedding started, Rin had helped Len tie his tie properly.

~ Flashback End~

I giggled quietly. I could hear music playing, signalling that I was to walk to where the vows would be held. Our wedding was held at [Favourite indoor/outdoor place]. The pianist started playing one of the song's Len sang, as I walked down the aisle.
The veil, however, was very distracting. I could barely see where I was going. The flower girls were walking ahead of me, throwing flowers, while the flower boy's held a sign that said, 'Don't worry ladies, I'm still single'. It was adorable. They were actually Rin's children haha.
Just when I walked up the mini stairs, my high heel got caught on the carpet and I slipped. To Len's quick reflexes, he caught me in his arms. The entire crowd started applauding and cheering.
The priest (or the vow dude) sarcastically coughed, "You may save that after the wedding vows if you may." I giggled nervously and regained my posture. The ring bearer walked up and stood next to the priest. Len looked at me with his mesmerizing eyes and grinned, lifting my veil to reveal my face.
"How could you be so beautiful everyday?" he whispered. Len nodded at the priest. The priest nodded back and opened his mouth.

[Insert wedding speech]

"If there are any objections to why these two shall not be married, please speak now, or forever hold your peace," he finished. I held my breath. Please don't crash the wedding, please don't-
"OBJECTION!" A person barged through a door, wearing a wedding dress too. But... It was a man in the dress.
"I love you Simon! Marry me!" This dude cried. I squinted my eyes at him. Isn't he... One of the judges from America's got talent and all the other talent shows?! Another guy bursted in and flailed.
"No! STOP THE WEDDING!!! I love you more Simon! You love me too!!!" The other cried out. Another man came in and I was just laughing my butt off.
Then, a lady came in stomped on the floor.
"SILENCE! Do we even know you?!" Mrs. Kagamine growled, clearly unamused by the grown men.
"B-but...!" They all stammered
"This wedding has nobody named Simon! And you boys are wearing a wedding dress with your nipples showing, chest hairs and all! Absolutely scandalous! Learn some manners gentlemen!" She scolded.
The wedding crashers left the ceremony and we continued the last part as if nothing happened.
"...If there are any objections to why these two shall not be married, please speak now, or forever hold your peace," the priest continued. Thankfully nobody said anything this time. (That was a lie, Calamity was being restraint)
"You may kiss the bride."

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