Chapter 17: Worries

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Your P.O.V.

Days went by and I haven't received a word from any of my friends... Do they even care?
I must be joking. Of course they don't.
They would've came for me. But it's already been days, almost a week. Summer was just around the corner, and final exams were finished. All I had to do was attend our school festival, and it'll all be over.
Two more years to go, then I will graduate.
I wiped my tears furiously and smiled. It's just silly love. Just childish love. Yup. That's it.
It's still all lies. Is that what we all live in? A world full of lies? Now that I think of it, humans are pretty boring.
We do the same things to survive. Birth, first steps, education, graduation, eat, sleep, work, and die. We barely even enjoy our lives without stress.
"Hey [Y/N], you there? Can I come in?" Aaron called out through my bedroom door.
"Yeah... Come in," I faintly whispered. The door clicked open, revealing Aaron, holding a tray of snacks for me.
"You want to talk?"
"Oh my, the cold-blooded prince now wants to talk to the sister he always teases? That's new." Aaron sighed and set the tray down before sitting on my bed.
"What's going on? You shouldn't be skipping school you know?"
"Ok, I know it's ridiculous, but before our conversation goes any further, please get off my bed." Aaron shakes his head and sits on the floor.
"Out of my room too." Aaron rolls his eyes and went out the door, closing it. Later, he ended up outside the house, near my bedroom window.
"Now come back into my room and sit on the floor you peasant!!!" I screamed out my bedroom window. An irk appeared on Aaron's head as he jogged into the house.
"No jogging! You'll stub a toe-"


"AGH, FU---" See? What did I tell him... Aaron eventually makes it to my room and collapses on the floor. He squirmed like a maggot.
"You should be glad that I'm your brother and that you are in this situation. Otherwise, I would've thrown you out the window."
"Harsh! You needed the exercise anyway. You lost a few pounds at least! My gym teacher is freaking annoying! Not to mention a pervert!" I dramatically sighed.
Aaron chuckled and patted my shoulder. I smiled at him and we began talking. I told him everything, from the first day up until now. When I mentioned Len as my boyfriend, Aaron was shocked. He was even more shocked to know about Rinto's condition and how Rin treated me.
"They must be very upset... It's not your fault though sis. You can't do anything to prevent it. Feelings aren't yours to control. You can only tame it and not let it use you." I gave a meek smile and shrugged.
"I feel awkward... I've never really experienced this situation before."
"Now you know how it is, and how it feels like. Don't worry. The Kagamine's are great people, and they will soon get over it and come to an understanding."
"But... What if they don't?"
"Simple. They aren't your friends then. They shouldn't push the pain and the anger onto you." The thought of losing them was scary. I grew up with them, and I didn't want to make new friends.
"Ok.... Thank you Aaron. I'm going out for a walk ok?"


Being outside was surely great. I felt refreshed. I went to the park our family and friends always played in. The playgroud was run down and abandoned, but was worth cherishing. I sat down on the swings an looked at the sky. It looks like it's going to rain again.
I smiled to myself. Everything is really depressing, but I must stay strong! Don't let a little thing bring myself down! Nope, nope, nope!!! A raindrop dripped onto my cheek. As I looked up, I could see the rain pouring down, sprinkling me.
I was getting soaked, but I didn't care. I laughed. It was a laugh, filled with remorse, and sadness. I wish mom and dad were still here. They would know what to do in the situation. I stayed in the park for more than an hour before I knew I would catch a cold. I was ready to stand up until I heard someone call me.
"[Y/N]!" That was no doubt Len's voice. I looked up and saw him walking towards me. I looked back down to avoid eye contact. I'm not going to cry. It's okay.
You're doing okay [Y/N]. Don't run away.
The rain suddenly stopped trickling on me. I looked up seeing that Len was holding an umbrella over the two of us, not smiling. We stayed there, staring at each other for a period of time. I stood up and he handed me the umbrella, before walking away, expecting me to follow.
"Come on." I nodded and stood up, legs wobbling. I was freezing. My limbs were numb, and I couldn't feel anything. I felt really sick. It must be of the rain and the time I was out in the downpour, completely exposed to the soaking coolness.
"Well? Come on..." Len urged again, turning around to look at me. I nervously laughed and walked towards him. For a few minutes, it was going fine, but I got weaker as time passed. No matter how much I wanted to stay conscious, my body was at it's limit.
And with that,

"Oi! [Y/N]!!!"

I blacked out.



I woke up with a cold, wet towel on my forehead. I realized that my nose was stuffy, not to mention I felt like gross crap. It felt like I had mucus stuck in the very back of my nose, which was an unpleasant feeling.
I flung the blankets off me, since I felt like I was overheating. Then the cold air hit me. I looked down to see that I was in Rin's pajamas. Wait, what??? The door opened, so quickly, on instinct, I covered myself with the blankets and pretended to be asleep.
"[Y/N]... I know you are awake." Len said. I stayed still and didn't move. I heard him sigh, followed by the bedside dipping down.
"Listen.... I'm sorry. I know an apology isn't going to fix everything, but I don't really know what else to say." I continued listening to him.
"Back at the academy, I was very worried for Rinto. I was very angry, and I couldn't control it-"
"Len, I gave you a chance... And you flipped at me!" I finally said, trying not to laugh. Is it just me that thinks it's funny on how he rambles? I don't know...
"I-I know... It's just emotions-"
"You shouldn't have let them control you."


** Damn girl, you got him good

We need to roast him even more as we live

Roast him like a marshmallow

All nice and toasty.

I'm cold again

I want him to hug me with the blankets**

Just as I thought that, Len hugged me, digging his face into my back. Muffled noises were made from him as you heard silent cries. You laid there, room absolutely silent - only Len's muffles were heard.
Just then I shot up and rolled away fron him.
"EWWW!!! GROSS! What the heck Len, your tears are seeping through the blankets!" I screamed. He looked at me with a perplexed face before blowing his nose into a tissue.
I sneezed too. Len was flustered and didn't want to look at me. Instead, he flopped back into the sheets and covered his face.
"Ew! That's disgusting! Where's Neru! I'm sure she'll want to collect those boogers of yours!-- Hehchoo!" I sneezed. I started walking out the door before suddenly my legs gave out on me.

**Well that's just great. I lost the ability to walk

Now we're back to square one

Tiny steps at a time guys....

Mom always told me it took me until I was 3 to walk

Such a depressing life. I'm such a late bloomer**

My body flopped on the floor and I heard a groan. It wasn't my groan... then, the floor started moving...
"HOLY WTF!!! EARTHQUAKE LEN!!!!" --only to realize the floor was Len himself. He had leaped underneath me to save me from hurting myself. His rock hard abs didn't help though.
Len lifted me up and gently set me back into the bed and covered me with a bunch of blankets again.
"Stay." Was all he said before he walked out.


"BLEARGHHH!!! What is this?!" I gasped, choking.
"It's-it's Chicken soup..." Len stuttered.
"Len, do you know how to even cook? THIS IS FUDGING INSTANT NOODLES BROTH WHUT DA HELL." New fact; Len can't cook. Nor even simply pour hot water into instant noodles. OH MY GOD. He needs to learn!
"Screw it-- I'm making it myself!" I said, crawling out of the suffocating mountain of blankets on the bed. Len tried to stop me, but he couldn't. He ended up making me sit in the living room couch wrapped like a blanket burrito captain giving orders.
Len eventually managed to make a decent chicken soup and served it to me. I drank to soup in peace and slowly started to feel drowsy.... Until Len sneezed, really loud.




Author-chan (me) will make specials and oneshots related to this story in another book soon! Requests can be taken! Thank you all!
P.S. I love how you guys made a plot against Rin and Len on how you would take all their bananas and oranges
(✿' ꒳ ' ). Also, I live in Canada, so Happy Canada Day guys!
[July 1st, 2017; 7:14pm updated]

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