Chapter 5: Assignment

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A/N: By the way, in this fanfic, Len usually puts his hair down in his spare time. He only ties it up when his hair is in the way or if he wanted to not be mistakened as Rin. He would also let it down to be mistakened as Rin, and to avoid fangirls.

Your P.O.V.

How did this happen? Currently, Len and I are sitting beside each other, speechless. Both of us didn't want to make the first move, and we were clearly uncomfortable with our given assignment. We were in the middle of our Films class, and we were supposed to come up with a romantic story and make a film of it.

Yes, the most cliché thing happened to me. What else is next, kissing? Psh, that is predictable. Other partners were okay with the romance thing, and some were just snickering since the amount of unequalness of each gender, forcing some guys to go together.

"BL," I huffed under my breath. I was fangirling inside (sorry to those who do not like it. Btw, I'm straight).

"Hm?" Len hummed. I shook my head. This banana head shouldn't know about this. I mean, he's too innocent-

"Thinking about Yaoi eh? How about some Yuri then?" Len teased. I take it back. My face grew hotter and redder as soon as he said that. I slapped his arm and he just laughed. I walked up to the front of the class and grabbed a piece of paper (because I was too lazy to open my binder and waste another piece of my papers) and walked back. I took my pencil, and got read to jot notes down.

"Some what ideas do you have for our film?" I asked.

"How about a group of friends that have a love life and blah," Len said, giving up on his sentence.

"You mean like a love life that is somewhat connected to each other, and they have their own perspectives?" I asked him.

"Yeah." I continued writing down notes.

"May I ask Len, why are you crying?"

He looked a little pale, and tears were welling up in his eyes. Len kept his mouth shut and squeezed his eyes shut tightly as I leaned over.

"Len, are you okay?" I asked, panicking. He shook his head. I kept leaning closer to him and he was literally crying now.

"What the hell Len?! Spit it out!"
He started flailing his arms and pointed down. I leaned back and made a weird face. He relaxed after I leaned back.

"What? You gotta pee? Ask the teacher then," I suggested.

"No, that's not it!" He exclaimed.

"Then what?" I asked, leaning in again. There it is again. His face just froze and went back to the sad puppy face. He suddenly grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up. I was freaking out because of all days- I did not wear shorts underneath my skirt.

"Len! Put me down!" I squealed. He did as he was told and sighed.

"What the heck was that for?!" I questioned.

"Your... Chair leg was on my foot," Len explained.

"You were applying pressure on it everytime you leaned in. It's painful. You are heavy [Y/N]."


"I know. The truth hurts."



In the end, we ended up agreeing to my idea of different perspectives in our film studies. It was a major assignment too. Worth 30% of our overall marks.

"So what else do we have for homework?" I asked Rin. After class, Len disappeared to somewhere else.

"Hmm... Well, we have our Film project, and our Social test coming up... You might want to study a bit since it is source-based. You need to know some information that would be related in the test," Rin briefy said.

"Okay... I'll go to the school kitchen and make us some desserts that we can eat during our study session okay?" I suggested. Rin nodded her head and proceeded to our dorms.

I headed straight to the Kitchen and put on a yellow apron. I got the tools necessary for my cooking and starting making caramel flans and mini chocolate cakes (because I have all the time in the world today).

As soon as I got the materials and ingredients ready, I decided to make the chocolate first. Chocolate should be boiled at 60°c and no higher than that... It isn't allowed to come in contact with water so I need to be careful. If it does mix with water, it could affect the flavor and the texture, which would be bad.

After the chocolate, I started making the batter, making the cream, blah, blah, and then tempering the chocolate, which is crucial for the glossy effect and texture.

When I finished the cake, I put it into the fridge. The room was pretty warm and I didn't want the chocolate to melt. I began making the caramel pudding (or flan). I needed to make sure that it doesn't create any bubbles inside the pudding.

Beginning with the caramel, I started boiling it. If it were to be dark, it would be too bitter. If light, it would be too sweet. If it was in the middle, the flavor would be have a nice sweet taste with a hint of bitterness.

A/N: Lol, yes. I do search these facts up and I do try to bake and make these patisserie cakes. I just love sweets.

I walked to the dorms, with a box in hand. It's quite nice that the school kitchen has some dessert boxes we can use to store our extra desserts we would like to save for later.

I hummed Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder as I unlocked the door.

Suddenly, Rin slammed the door open and crawled to me.

"I was waiting for you.... I'm dying of starvation!!!" Rin cried, clinging onto my leg. I rolled my eyes and flung her off my leg. I set down the box of cakes and faced Rin.

"Rin, Rin...." I tsked, "You should have some manners." Before I knew it, Rin was already unboxing the cakes! I karate chopped her forearm, which she then retreated back.

Damn, Martial Art lessons paid off. Rin ended up starving for the night because of her rudeness. Haa... I love being the boss.


The next morning, I woke up to some rustling. I got up and looked down, and as I suspected, Rin was onto the cakes again.

Not on my watch.

"[Y/N]'s POWER KICK ACTIVATE!" I screamed. I jumped off our bunk bed and kicked Rin on the butt and tackled her down. Turns out, the person that I suspected as Rin was none other than....



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