Chapter 14: Looking for a Change

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☆Your P.O.V.☆

"GAHhHhHHH!!!" I screamed in my pillow. Yesterday was really something - something that I thought would never happen.




Hugged me.

Like what the frick, what's with that change in personality?! I swear his moodswings are worse than a girl on their period. One day his hormones flip off the switch, the next day, it flips on and he's just suddenly showing his true self!

Rin and I started leaving our dorms and walking to the courtyard. I was still thinming of yesterday though. Sure, that dude Len smelled real good, not to mention how his chest felt against mine-

"Get a hold of yourself [Y/N]!" I scolded, slapping my cheeks with both hands.

"Uh, you know, if you want to fantasize about my brother, do it in a less obvious way. It's creepy," Rin said, sticking her tongue out.

"Well how could I not?"

"Ahem." I looked up to see the one and only Len. I blushed as if I put excessive makeup on and covered my face in my palms. He heard me loud and clear!

"So, [Y/N]. Talking about me?" Len raised a brow, clearly amused.




~Back to yesterday~

Len embraced me tightly, glaring at Rinto. Rin was watching us in the background, doing nothing, but record the scene.

Rinto smirked and grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and pulled me into his chest. I couldn't help but fangirl because of the overload of shirtless goodness eheheh~

"Ne, [Y/N]?" Rinto asked, watching Len struggle to take me back.

"W-what is it Rinto?"

"Your breasts feel soft too. Len was right about you being soft." Len looked like he was going to murder Rinto.

"W-what?!" I looked down and noticed that my chest was indeed, tightly against his. So tight that I felt like the swimsuit would let go and free my chest.

A/N: Haruka Nanase be like: I only swim free.

"I'll gladly give you a massage there-"

"Ew, Rinto! You pervert!" I shrieked, trying to escape his grasp. Len tugging on Rinto's arms. Just when he held onto me tighter, he let me go, sending my flying into Len's arms.

The two of us fell onto the sandy surface and screamed even more.




"I'll gladly take [Y/N]~"

"Hey...! Len!!! Let me go! Don't wrap your arms around me AGAINNN!!!"

"Aw, Len is such a Tsundere! Well? How does her breasts feel?"

"Pretty soft and plump actually. What's this harder part of it though-"


[Synthesized] Len Kagamine X Reader ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon