Chapter 12: Diva Project Competition

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☆Your P.O.V.☆

Nothing was really going on in life, but Len and I had made a schedule for study sessions, which was new. Today was the day we present our Diva Projects, and in a few weeks, the winners would be determined.

I met up with Gumi and Rinto, and we finished tweaking on the song. I uploaded the song into a USB stick and snapped the USB shut, then left it on my laptop.

"Let's win this guys!" I cheered.
"Yeah!" Rinto cheered.

"Better not screw this up Rinto! YEAH!" Gumi laughed.


I took a deep breath, and gulped. I did not expect that we would be performing in a grand stage with the adjudicators and audience.

"I thought we were performing in a tiny room with just the adjudicators!" I whispered anxiously.

"I don't which is better, in a grand stage or a tiny room," Gumi sighed. I looked at her. She looked creepishly calm, but I had a feeling she was breaking down on the inside.

We took our seats in the backstage and Rinto lined up to draw a number to determine which group went up first. When he came back, he smiled, holding his slip of paper between his fingers.

"We're contestant #4," he said. Suddenly, some high-pitched squeal averted our attention to Len's group.

"What?! We're going first? That's great!" Neru chirped.

"Why is that great?" Teto asked.

I raised a brow. Why are occassionally glancing at us? Wait....

"Guys... I really don't want to do this... Seriously," Len uncomfortably said. What is going on? Then, the announcer started to speak.


"We present you, our first group!" The announcer finished. Len's group stood up and walked into the stage, and Neru flashed me an evil grin.

"Watch us," she mouthed. And that, was when I realized something. They never practiced their dance. What were they going to do?

A/N: In Chapter 9, you overheard that they were doing a dance choreography.

I bolted up from my seat and ran over to my laptop. The USB... I found it right next to my laptop, which meant somebody had moved it. I checked the jack of the USB and freaked out. It was jammed. Anguish filled my eyes as I knew that Neru was behind this.

Is this why Len was uncomfortable? He knew about this? I trusted him. I rushed back to Gumi and Rinto and told them about the incident. Turns out they figured as soon as Len's group started.

They were singing our song.

"What are we going to do?" Rinto asked, panicking.

"Hey [Y/N], do you still have the file for the alternate version of this song?" Gumi asked.

"Yes! I do! I can download it into another USB and use it!" I said, hope in my eyes. I rushed to my laptop and looked around for a random USB.

"Found one." I breathed, grabbing it.

"Hey! That's ours!" Miku hissed.

"Sorry girly, we need to use it for a moment please," Rinto chuckled, flashing a cheeky grin at Miku.

"O-oh, if it's just for a bit then it's okay...." Miku giggled, then fainted. Kaito came into her aid and glared at Rinto, but Rinto just innocently shrugged.

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