Chapter 25: Square 1

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☆Your P.O.V.☆

Life was pretty normal now. There were no accidents, the school never got closed down because the accidents we caused were never reported, and I got back my peaceful life. Well, sort of.
Calamity and Len would always fight for me, which was the weirdest quarrel to watch of all time. I missed Rinto, and we would very often hang out and talk to each other.
This time, and very last time, Rinto did eventually move on from me, but still had those feelings lingering around once in a while. He had a girlfriend that had my seal of approval.
Len, on the other hand was the opposite of Rinto. Not elegant, poorly composed, not to mention impolite. He was somewhat the trickster and not very gentleman-like, but he often gets somewhat triggered and turns into a Mr. Oh-So-Perfect guy.
Calamity was very playful. Though she knows that I have my eye on Len, she still teases me about it and when Len is around she gets clingy to me.
Oh, and for the last time, Len and I are back together. Our second year has finished and we are now third years. There are some of our freshman that are attracted to the two of us, but we always had Calamity protect the 'ship'.
We would just always laugh it off when we told Rin all about it.
"Hey Calamity, do you actually like [Y/N]?" Len asked.
"What if I do, whatcha' gonna do about it lover boy?~♡" Calamity snickered.
"Well, it's just plain weird since you both look alike which makes people think you are incest." Len deadpanned.
"We make look related, but we aren't!" Life was nice and simple. All the typical jazz and stuff.
"Hey Len."
"RIN, SHUT UP! We aren't at that age yet! We're only 17 and 18!" Len blushed, covering his face.
"Awww... Len. How much children do you want?" I teased.
"Well I don't know. How much do you want me to bang you without protection?" He teased back. Oh no. His naughty boy side is showing.
"Ah! Len! That's embarrassing!"
"You're the one who mentioned how many children you want, so why are you blaming me?"
"I wasn't even thinking of... That!" I blushed. Rin started wiggly her eyebrows and Calamity did the kissy motion. Rin tried her best to tie her hair into Len's pony tail, then hugged Calamity and held her by the chin.
"[Y/N]... I never knew you were this attractive..." Rin said in a manly voice. Calamity was confused, but caught on quickly.
"Oh... Len, you are so kind. You are also very handsome, though you are a naughty jerk..." Calamity thanked, pretending to be me.
"Ah [Y/N]!"
"Len!~♡" they hugged each other and looked at us.
"To be continued."
"NO IT'S NOT GOING TO BE CONTINUED BY YOU TWO!" Len irked. I just rolled on the floor laughing because of their charade that was referenced off of Owari No Seraph.
"Oh, switching the topic, we heard you got a man too Rin?" I asked.
She blushed hard and looked away. I wonder who it could be?
"Spill the beans Rin, or I will hunt him down," I continued.
"Uhhh... You know that guy that is in our main courses?" I shook my head. Which one? There were several hot guys that Rin could like.
"I like... Gumiya..." She whispered.
"Eh? You like my brother?" Gumi asked, popping out of nowhere.
"AHHHH! Please don't tell him I... Uh....." Gumiya walked in with a red face, meaning he must've heard it.
"Oh god forsaken manda'rin' oranges, I have to go!!!" Rin quickly left the room, with Gumiya in toll.
"I hope she confesses," I prayed.
"I hope Gumiya dumps her sorry ass," Len bluntly said. I smacked his head and he just pouted at me.
"Be nicer with your sister."
"I could say the same with you with your brothers." Damn I got roasted like a marshmallow. It seemed like everything was settling down. Everybody was getting ready to graduate and prepare for their future.
Almost many people had been already thinking of marriage (many girls at my age are already planning for their future weddings, like wow. I'm only 14 right now.) which JUNGSHOOK me. Ok, I'll stop with the puns.
After school, I went to Rin's and Len's house for a sleepover.
"What do think if doing in the future guys?" I asked.
"I want to have a decent career I'd enjoy and start a family, get a dream house, dream car, etc." Rin stated.
"Same with me, but I want to do that all with [Y/N]," Len confessed.
"Wowie, you just got chummy." Mama Kagamine- I mean Mrs. Kagamine came in to give us some bed time snacks.
"Thank you Mrs. Kagamine."
"[Y/N], drop the formalties. Just call me Mom! Besides, Len was searching for wedding rings, gifts for the baby, how to give babies proper baths, how to braid hair, and so much more! He's prepared! When I asked him why he was searching all of this, he was so focused that he said, 'It's for [Y/N] Mom,' and so I told my husband about and we are also ready to be grandparents!" She chirped then paused, "Hey, that's weird. Len would've stopped me when I reach the wedding ring part."
We looked over to where Len was, seeing that he wasn't paying attention, and was caught red handed searching for baby clothes.
"Huh, w-what? It's not what you think [Y/N]!" Len snapped out of his focus and started trying to reason himself out.
"Aww, Len! I think you'd be a great father!" I giggled, seeing this cute and mature side of him. He threw a pillow from the couch at my face to shut me up.
"Ok, we need to go to sleep now my babies," Mama 'K' said to us, kissing the twins on their foreheads.
"Mom... That's embarrassing..." Len softly said, wiping his forehead from the kiss.
"So you want [Y/N] to do it?" She asked, hands on hips. Len looked away bashfully and made her laugh.
"Len, you are too cute!" She laughed, hugging him.
"Also, Rin. I approve Gumiya being your boyfriend." Mama K gave her the thumbs up.
"H-how did you know?!"
"Oh, word spreads like wildfire sweetie."

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