Chapter 19: The Female Dog

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A/N [Optional Read]: Picture above is how your classrooms somewhat look like, depending on the subject.
For example, if it was Science, it would be open and full of nature, if Computers it'll be all techy. Kind of like the format of Death Weapon Meister Academy in Soul Eater.


Your P.O.V.☆

I grit my teeth. Just. My. Luck. Calamity moved to my school just because Rinto was there! This is the worst! If she ever pretends to be me, I'm screwed! I took a deep sigh and entered the class, ready to plop down on my usual seat next to Len until...
Oh that little b*tch. My eye twitched as she was sitting in my desk. Rinto gave me a apologetic expression and gestured me over.
I walked towards him and sat in the empty seat beside him.
"Sorry... I told her that seat was yours but all she did was say that nobody would care since you both look alike," he explained.
"Agh... I don't want to be in this school anymore..." I cried. Rinto patted my head and smiled weakly. I returned the smile before we were interrupted.
"Excuse me... That's my seat," A guy in my class said.
"Oh, you are excused. Just kidding. Sorry," I said jokingly, getting out of the seat, "I guess I have to find another seat Rinto."
"Oh... Ok. See you."


Eventually, I got a new seat. The teacher had to assign me a new seat because I was kicked out of my original one.
I got up and went to the courtyard where we all met for lunch, only to meet Calamity. She is making me seem like I am viewing everything in Third person! I looked around and noticed that Rin wasn't around.
"Hey... Len. Where is Rin-"
"Who's Rin?" Calamity butted in.
"She's my sister. You know, the one you claimed to be your new 'Best friend'?" Len sarcastically said.
"I did?" Uh, yes she did. I sighed and started walking to the dorms.
"I'm going to look for her."


"Rin! Are you here?" I asked, opening the door. I peeped in and noticed a lump in the blankets on the bottom bunk.
"AHa...?!" I exclaimed, flipping the blankets off. Oh great. A pillow dummy. I checked the bathroom too, and just when I was about the leave, I heard hiccups.
I climbed up the bunk beds and found nothing. I approached the closet and heard the noises getting closer, so I gently opened the closet.
And voilá, there she was, sitting in the corner of the trashed closet, crying.
"Rin! What happened?" My voice was filled with concern. No reply. She just hid herself within the clothes.
"Come on! You can tell me what is bothering you! We're best friends... Right?" I said meekly.
"That's what Calamity said to me yesterday. That she and I were best friends."
"... Is this still about the Rinto thing?"
"No. I've gotten to understand the fact it's not your fault. It's Calamity-"
"Oh, that b*tch?" Rin slapped my cheek and I looked at her with teary eyes.
"No swearing. But I agree with you," she laughed, wiping her tears. Rin started explaining to me how she was scared that Calamity would marry Rinto or Len and become her sister/cousin-in-law. She was also scared of the fact...
"What if I couldn't tell the difference between you two? What if I thought she was you?"
I shook my head, "Then look for the differences. Nobody can be like me. I have my own style in everything. Ask her about the things I can do, or lie about something and test her."
"Oh... She has a beauty mark under her left eye!"
"There you go."
"But she uses makeup."
"Oh crud. Just slap her face with a towel and wipe that cake face of hers then."
In the end, we were okay with each other once again.


During Science, our teacher was going through the lab procedures, because we were going to disect a calf heart. The teacher then started grouping us into partners.
"Len, Rinto, Rolonda, and Richard.... Rin, Gumi, Leon, and V... [Y/N], Neru, Oliver, and Mayu..." The grouping went on and on before we were able to start.
"I'll be using a scapel!" Mayu giggled.
"I'll take the scissors!" Oliver yelped.
"I'll take the.... Stick looking thing?" I questioned. Neru just said she'll hold onto the heart and help us with other steps.

**Ok, first we run the heart with water to see if it pumps and try to find it's heart valves... Then, you-

Ok, is anybody creeped out by the fact that the two yandere couple is holding dangerous tools that could be used as weapons?





Don't chase [Y/N] with a scapel [Y/N].


Ok, that's it! I have to stop her!

[Y/N], you hypocrite! Put that scapel down right this instant! You just told us not to chase anyone with a scapel.**

I snapped out of my thoughts to Neru nudging me.
"What do you want (b*tch #2)?"
"Geez! Chill! I just wanted to ask you, is that doppelganger of yours dating Len or something?"
"She's dating Rinto."
"Ugh. Who knew Rinto was blind as a bat! That girl is being a sloth all over Len! She's not even in their group!"
"I know right! Where is the teacher?!-" I asked, looking around only to be cut off because....
"Shut up Neru!" I exclaimed, clamping her mouth. The whole entire clasd looked over to the teacher and noticed that she fell asleep, so they decided to mess around.
"YO! TEACH' IS SLEEPIN'!!! She's probably sleeping like a bear!!! Hibernating and never to wake up to this!" A guy said, dumping this flammable substance into the sink, then draining it.
Just as he did that, some stupid chick in our class put a match that was put out, but not fully, causing all the sinks to have fire spit out of the drains.
"HOLY CHEESE MATE!" Neru cried, clinging onto me.
"Watch where your hands are you filthy animal." She coughed letting go of me, then we continued our project as if nothing happened. Hey, I still want an A+ for this.
Just then, both of us couldn't handle how Calamity was Koala-style hugging on Len and we decided to step up.
"Calamity, leave Len alone," I said.
"Yeah, stop it. He can't concentrate," Neru added. Calamity looked at us and smiled.
"Oh? I'm sorry, but don't butt into other's businesses. It's none of your beeswax."
"Oh yeah you fat purple turnip? Since when were you allowed to butt into their group?"
"Ara, ara! It talks! Why don't you two go take a stroll, back to your lab station, where you belong. You- Pineapple, and you - my hideous poser, get away from me!"
Oh, it's on.
I took a step forward and looked at her dead straight in the eyes.
"Fine! You want to play fire with me? Come at me." I seethed.
"Calm down [Y/N]...." Rinto nervously said.
"Oh yeah? You, me, fight in the kickbox rally, tonight, at 6pm."
"Bring it."

》》》》Author's Note《《《《《

So, I was wondering how this story is going so far for you guys. Is it okay? Any suggestions on what I can improve? By improve I mean by grammar, vocab, etc. Not formatting and story ideas.
Also, when you speak in bold letters like this, you know shiz is going down
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Thank you all for staying here and reading this! I'll make sure to publish every one weekend day and make it interesting!
My goal for this story is to reach 10k reads like my previous Len x Reader fanfic! I had to delete my old fanfic because it was badly planned, confusing, and terrible grammar. If my old readers are here.... Hi?

[Synthesized] Len Kagamine X Reader ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz