Chapter 2: Acceptance

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Your P.O.V.

"WHAT?!" I screamed, "NOOOooOoOooooOo!!!!" I cried.

Aaron came rushing down, alarmed by my sudden outburst. When he came, he saw me lying on the kitchen floor, hugging a bag of Honey Buddha Chips.

"What the HELL?! What is wrong with you?!" Aaron asked, pissed off.

"The CHIPS. THE CHIPS ARE STALE. WHY DOES LIFE HATE ME AARON??!! I'M SORRY I FAILED YOU LUCIEL!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS," I cried, "Please don't tell me I'm adopted!" Aaron just stood there and said, "You're adopted."



After tackling Aaron to the ground and forcing him to beg mercy, I decided to practice the piano to get ready for school. After all, I get to attend the school in two days. I can't wait! 1st year in high school, here I come! I can do this.


"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!" I shrieked. I am not ready for this. I take back what I said a few days ago. "Kriss, I'm can't do this! I also can't stay in dorms! You never told me there were dorms that you had to stay in!" I cried.

"It's a private school, and you are in fact the first person to ever pass the transfer exam. And also, why did you think I was never here when I went there to study? You never noticed I was gone for 90% of the whole time I studied there?" Kriss chuckled, ushering me towards the door, with my packed belongings.

Kriss even offered to drive me to the school knowing my poor navigational skills. As soon as we arrived, I was astonished.

The school looked so magical. There were glass statues, each representing a different Fine Art, and fountains. The school was in the colours of Green, Purple, Pink, Blue, Yellow, and Red. Cream white, beige, and black were also in presence.

In my opinion, the school was like a fantasy land.My brother lowered the car window and called after me.

"Hey lil' sis! Catch!" He threw a shiny object with another tiny wrapped object. I caught it with one hand and unraveled my fingers to reveal a shiny silver key with the number 707 on it. The other object was my favourite piece of candy.

"Good luck [Y/N]! Gonna miss you!" he hollered. After that, Kriss drove off and left me standing there with my belongings, mouth agape at the academy that looked more like a castle.

I started making my way inside the school until I heard a melodious voice from somewhere. My attention was completely focused onto the sweet voice I heard.

Without realizing, my feet seemed to be moving on its own towards the sound. I walked through trees until I arrived at a balcony. The voice was very clear and beautiful, as I walked towards the railings around the balcony.

I looked down and there was a boy my age, singing, "Servant of Evil" as if there was no tomorrow. Mesmerized, I leaned on the marble railing and hummed the song with him. It was one of my favourites. Then I snapped out of it. I examined the boy. Lemon blonde hair, tied in a tiny ponytail, lean, and a shota, yet handsome voice.

He then slowly turned around, singing, and opened his baby blue eyes, which landed directly on me. Critical hit! He's too adorable! That is definitely Len Kagamine!

Then, the singing stopped. He stared at me silently and turned around, walking away. I started fumbling with my words. He was definitely not welcoming visitors.

[Synthesized] Len Kagamine X Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now