Chapter 19 Floodgate

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[Readers POV]

Valkyrie:The Flood - it's spreading, all over the city.

Lord Hood:How do we contain it?

Valkyrie:Dind the crashed Flood ship; overload its engine core. We either destroy this city, or risk losing the entire planet.

Lord Hood:Do it.

Valkyrie:Chief and (Y/n) and Arbiter, make your way to the crash site.

We turn to the right and we saw two Marines on the cliff edge fighting off several Flood Forms and they were overrun and mutate to one of them and we can't do anything about it we proceed back into thr factory.

Sgt. Reynolds:All squads, report!

Random Marine:Multiple contacts, unknown hostiles.

Valkyrie:Attention all UNSC units, The Flood is a parasite and they can kill anyone in its site, piercing through the armors making them reanimated anyone if its dead or alive! It is extremely adaptable, dangerous and mutating anyone into parasitic life forms!

(Y/n)That got them all attention.

Thelya realize something and became sad expression.

Thelya:There are some powerful weapons we've not yet used in the past, if we use it earlier against the Humans then...

She starting to cry knowing she would lost me to the floods and Chief was far distance from us and i hugged her and she hugs back she grips her whole body to mine and i know why already.

(Y/n):Its alright, Thelya.

Thelya:(sob) I'm glad your here, (Y/n). Please promise me if anything happends to us be my side till the end.

(Y/n):I promised Thelya. Lets go before Chief gets angry again.

She wipes her tears and nodded heading towards Chief and we found a Marine Squad on a loading ramp.

Marine 1:There! Over there! We're surrounded, Sergeant!

Marine 2:Aaaaaah!

Sgt. Reynolds:Fall back! Fall back!

Female Marine:Sergeant, come on!

The Floods and Flood combat forms descend from above and swarm on tbe Marines at the ramp.

(Y/n):Hurry before they are killed and infected!

We fight them off but they are alot of them and i saw horrible in my eyes. A Flood jumps to Reynolds.

Sgt. Reynolds:Ahhh!

Hes mutating into a Flood combat form.

Sgt. Reynolds:No! No! No!

We don't have a choice but to kill him and a female Marine shouts at us.

Female Marine:What are you guys doing?! That's the Sergeant!

Marine 3:That was the Sergeant!

We fight off the waves of Flood and Thelya grabs my shoulder and she shouts loudly and getting everyone's attention.

Thelya:Everyone quickly! Let us find their ship. Make short work of this abomination!

The Marines accompany Me and Chief and Thelya intobthe building and we saw a Lone Marine is running away from the horde of Floods.

Lone Marine:Get it off! Get if off!

I quickly run towards the Lone Marine and Thelya and Chief said "Don't do it!" But i have no choice but to save the Marine removing the flood on his hands many the Flood forms jumps on me and my shields are depleted and one of the Flood jumps on me and it dives through my left arm and i scream in pain but later i fell on the ground my eyes are starting to close i hear some Voices of Thelya and Chief and Valkyrie and the Marines as they cleared all around me and Thelya removes my helmet

Male Hybrid Flood Spartan Reader X Female ArbiterWhere stories live. Discover now