Chapter 8 Delta Halo

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[Nobody's POV]

A Slipspaxe rupture in space. Regret's Carier comes out, followed by some debris from New Mombasa and the Amber Clad.

Commander Keyes:(lurches forward, grunts)Report!

Ship Operatiob Officer:Both engine cores have spun to zero we're drifting.

Weapons Officer:Archer Pods are cold. I'll need to re-key the system.

Commander Keyes:Do it, and find where we are.

Pan over to a room lined with HEV's

Commander Keyes:Sorry for the quick jump, Sergeant. You in one piece?

Sgt. Johnson is inside of HEV pod, smoking inside.

Sgt. Johnson:I'm good. Chief and (Y/n)?

Cortana:We're fine.

Valkyrie:Same here.

Communication Officer:Ma'am there's an object. Coming into view now.

Commander Keyes:(Stares in amazement) Cortana and Valkyrie,What exactly am i looking at?


Valkyrie:Is another Halo.

(Y/n) and Master Chief and suprised that they arrive from another halo as well for Sgt. Johnson almost choke with his cigar.

Sgt. Johnson:Say what?!

Commander Keyes:So this is what my father found...(Gazes at Halo)I thought Halo was some sort of super weapon.

Cortana:It is.

Valkyrie:If activated, this ring sill cause dedtion on galatic scale.

In the pod with Master Chief and (Y/n) looks at Halo on their viewscreen. The words "CLASSIFIED" and notice from tge Office of Naval Intelligence appear over the image.

Commander Keyes:I want all the information you've got on the First Halo. Schematics, topography, whatever. I don't care if i have the clearance or not.

Cortana and Valkyrie:Yes Ma'am

Commander Keyes:Where's our targetM

Communication Officer:The enemy ship has stopped above the ring, Ma'am. We're going to pass right over it.

Commander Keyes:Perfect. Given what we know about this ring, it's even more important that we capture the Prophet of Regret. Find out shy he came to Earth, why he came here. Chief, take First Platoon. Hard drop, secure a landing zone. Sergeant, load up two flights of Pelicans and follow them in and (Y/n) i need you here at the Bridge.

Sgt. Johnson:Aye aye, Ma'am.

(Y/n):Yes Ma'am

Sgt. Johnson and (Y/n) exits their pod.

Comannder Keyes:Until i can move and fight i'm going to keep a low profile. Once you leave the ship, you're on your own

Johson knocks twice and (Y/n) as well on the hatch of Master Chief's pod and they are walking by and pounds back in knowledgement

(Y/n):Good luck out there Chief.

Valkyrie:You too Cortana.

Master Chief:Understood.


Crewman 2:Over the target in five...

Cortana:Hang on to your helmet!

The Poda drop, and the platoon od Helljumpers onto Halo.

Cortana:Mind the Bump.

On Halo, an Grunt and a Jackal notice the poda flaming and streaking down towards then. The Jackal Minor snarls in alarm. He Flicks his wrist and his energy shield snaps onm the Grunt mount on the Shade and shoots at the pods, and soon another Shade starts firing. The pods land, Master Chief breaks thw cover open on his pod scanninf the area with and SMG.

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