Chapter 7 The Oracle

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[Nobody's POV]

A door slides open. Two SpecOps Elite cover the entrance with Plasma Rifles while SpecOps Grunt file in. The Elites cautiously advance, followed by Rtas 'Vadumee and Thelya 'Vadamee. Rtas 'Vadumee pauses and sniff the air.

Thelya What is it?

Rtas:This stench...I've smell it before.

[Thelya's POV]

We proceeds through a small room, where a large tank containing some small, floating, fleshy lifeforms can be seen. We approach a doorway, and through the transparent floor of the next room, they can see the shadow of Heretics and a Familiar Creature battling. Eventually, all of the Heretics are killed. The Victorious creatures have familiar screams...

Thelya:'The Flood...I knew this day would come.'

SpecOps Elite 1:By the Rings. What is that?

SpecOps Grunt 1 and 2:(Whimpers)

SpecOps Elite 1:Quiet.

The Creature heard the whimpers and all of them leave through another doorway.

SpecOps Elite 1:It's moved on. Quickly, before it returns, let's find the Heretic Leader and finish him off.

We move in the some sort Laboratory, strewn Heretics with Deformed corpses.

SpecOps Elite 2:What happend here?

SpecOps Grunt 1:Me have bad feeling about this.

SpecOps Grunt 2:You always have bad felling! You had bad feeling about morning food nipple!

SpecOps Elite 1:Close your jaws, or I shall bind them shut!

A Floating Orb enters the room, and image of the Heretic Leader appears in the air.

SpecOps Grunt 1:See! Heretic!

SpecOps Grunt 1 fires on the image of the Heretic, which quickly becomes apparent as a hologram and nothing more.

Rtas:Hold your fire. Hold your fire!

The Grunt comes to halr. The Hologram that looks like Heretic Leader and it began to speak.

Sesa:I wondered who the Prophets would send to silence me. An "Female" Arbiter...I'm Very flattered to see one.

Rtas Got Mad and Grip the Energy Sword handle to what Sesa said but he knew it was just a hologram.

Rtas:He's using a Holodrone. He must be close
Come out,So we may kill you.

Sesa:(Laugh) Get In Line.

As the hologram vanishes, moments later, The Flood forms start to appear.

SpecOps Elite 1:Leader!

Rtas:Stand firm! The Flood is upon us!

We start shooting and slashing to pieces the other Flood form attack 2 grunts died and some are reanimating them turning them back alive.

SpecOps Elite 2:Heretic Fools! What have they done!?

After we pursuit the Flood the doorway opens out from the flood

Rtas:Go, Arbiter! I'll follow when our reinforcement arrive.

SpecOps Elite 1:This place is filled with the parasite, mot even Heretics deserve this!

Me and the survivors ride the elevator down to the lower levels of the lab we encounter the Flood and the Sentinels.

Thelya:Elite 1 and 2 Watch for the Flood forms they are tricky ones!

SpecOps 1 and 2:Got it.

We watch as the senitnels rises from the elevator attack us and the Flood after the fight we enter the Hallway strewn with corpses.

Male Hybrid Flood Spartan Reader X Female Arbiterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن