Chapter 15 Crow's Nest Armory (Lemon)

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(A/n:Warning! Theres a Lemon after the conversatio. Be warned! If you don't like Lemons so much Skip it.)

[Reader's POV]

Crow's Nest Flight Controller:Sorry for the tight Squeeze. Tell the Commander her ace is in the hole.

Kilo 023 touch down and opens the hatch, Me and Thelya and Chief and Johnson, we get off the Kilo 023 Pelican.

Marine 1:Hey. Check it out.

Marine 2:No way! Its Master Chief and (Y/n)!?

Marine Blind 3:For Real? You better not be...

Marine 2:No man, They're here! We're gonna be alright!

Commander Miranda Keyes comes out into the Landing Pod to meet, Me and Thelya and Chief and Johnson.

Commander Keyes:Where'd you find him?

Sgt. Johnson:Napping out back.

(Y/n):In the deep forest, Ma'am.

We salute her and she saluted back and smiles

Commander Keyes:Hmm, I'll bet. It's good to have you back, Chief.

Master Chief:Likewise, Ma'am.

We proceed down the hallways of the base a wounded Marine against the wall. Two Marines are chatting each other and notice Commander Keyes and Chief and Me. They make way and salute to us.

Commander Keyes:The Prophet of Truth's ship breached the Lunar perimeter. Smashed what was left of the Home Fleet.

Thelya walks beside me and the Marines lower their hands and stare astonishment.

Commander Keyes:Terrestrial casualties from the subsequent bombardment were...

Medics race by with an Injured Marine on a Stretcher. Johnson tends to an Injured Marine.

Commander Keyes:...Extreme. Truth Could've landed anywhere, but he commited all his forces here. East Africa. The Ruins of New Mombasa. Then, they start digging.

Master Chief:What about Halo?

Commander Keyes:We stopped it, but only temporarily. Now, the Prophet of Truth is looking for something called "The Ark", where he'll be able to fireall the Halo Rings. If he succeeds, Humanity, The Covenant, every sentient being in the Galaxy...

(Y/n) and Chief:The Rings will kill us all.

Marine Technician:Ma'am. I have Lord Hood.

Commander Keyes:Patches him through.

Lord Hoods appear in the monitor of the screen.

Lord Hood:Good news, Commander Keyes?

Commander Keyes:As good as it gets, Sir.

Lord Hood:So I see. What's your status, Son?

Master Chief:Green. Sir.

Lord Hood:You too, Son?

(Y/n):Green as it is, Sir

Lord Hood:Glad to hear it both of you. The Commander's comes up with a good plan. But without both of you, I wasn't sure we could pull it off.

Commander Keyes:Truth's Ship are clustered above the excavation site. And his infantry has deployed Anti-Aircraft Batteries around the perimeter. But, if we neutralize one of the batteries, punch a hole through in Truth's defense...

Lord Hood:I'll initiate a low-level strike. Hit 'em right where it hurts. I only have a handful of ships, Master Chief amd (Y/n). Its a big risk. But I'm confident-

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