twenty eight.

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"Bitch you trippin." I said to my baby mama. She acting like I can't see my son. The fuck bitch? He my son too. My nut created that nigga.

"No Kiari you are not about to have my son around all that violence and your ghetto ass cousins." She said while crossing her arms. Her being boujee was a positive and a negative. She was boujee so that meant she had her own money and knew how to act around people, but she always acting like she too good for my people. Like my money don't put the clothes on her back.

"Mane I'm not even finna argue wit you." I rubbed my face and leaned against the white porch pillar. "Where Kentrell?" That was my other son. He was almost 18. Nigga old as hell now.

"Out with his friends." She crossed her arms and leaned against the door. I was gonna check up on him later. But for now, I really wanted to see my youngest son, Jordan. He was about to be six in a few weeks.

"Well if you ain't finna let me get him, at least let me see him." I said. She turned around then quickly shook her head. "You need to go." She closed the door in my face. I know this bitch did not just slam this door in my face. The door to this house I paid for. I bought this shit. She live in this bitch for free. No water, light, mortgage or nothing.

I twisted the knob but it was locked. I pulled my keys out of my pocket. I was about to put the key in the door but the door opened. Some big, burly nigga walked out the house. I see why she didn't want me to come in. She was having niggas in my house. I didn't really care about them being together though. She ain't my bitch. I cared about him being around my sons.

"So you the nigga who been tryna father my sons?" I asked him while he bucked up to me. Nigga was big and tall as hell. Like a damn linebacker. But height ain't shit when you got hands like me.

"Yeah I'm that nigga. Also the nigga who been fuckin ya baby moms." He said while messing with my floral blouse. This shit was hard, I don't care what nobody say. "Why you got on this gay ass shirt?" He had me fucked up! This shit cost more than his basic ass outfit.

"Nigga if you tryna spar, Ima need yo ass to come on cause I got other shit to do." I said while moving away from the pillar and getting in my fighting position. He laughed then waved me off. He walked to his small car and got inside. Nigga looked like a black Johnny Bravo. Ole 'do the monkey with me' lookin ass nigga.

I put my key in and walked inside the house. It looked a damn mess. Magazines everywhere on the floor. Burnt stains all on the stove. Juice stains all over the carpet. I ignored it though and walked up the stairs. Jordan was sitting on his bed, reading a book. Well trying to at least.

"Wassup lil man." I said. He looked up and smiled. He ran over to me and hugged my legs. "Daddy I missed you! Mama said you weren't coming back." He pouted. I'm gonna get Ayanna to beat that bitch ass cause I don't had enough of her shit.

"Nah, nah. You know I always come back." I smiled and sat on his bed and picked up the book. "Green eggs and ham? Whatchu know bout that fam?" I held the book up. He laughed and sat next to me.

I helped him read the whole book. We got to the end and he started struggling. "What's this word again daddy?" He pointed to the word 'anywhere'

"Sound it out." I said as he struggled some more but eventually got it. "I will eat them anywhere!" He said before grinning at me. He read the final sentences after his mama came in the room.

"Good job Jordan. Go get in the bath." I hugged him before he walked across the hall to the bathroom. "You need to leave."

"Fuck you mean? I can't spend quality time with my son?" I asked. She was bullshittin for no reason. She act like I'm tryna get his ass to live with me or something. I'm just tryna see the lil nigga and be apart of his life.

"You haven't been here in months. Why do you wanna start seeing him now?" Is this bitch serious. I was over here before the whole Greg situation went on. "Now you know I been havin to deal wit some shit. Go on." I stood up and dug my wallet out of my pocket. I was about to hand her a sack of money but decided against it.

"I'm taking the boys school shopping this weekend. Have em ready." I said while slapping her hand that she had out. She always tryna get a nigga money. Her ass thought she was gonna put me on child support too, little did she know was that my lawyer is undefeated.

"They aren't going anywhere with you." She said while I walked past her. I rolled my eyes. She always tryna call me a deadbeat and shit but don't ever let me stay with my kids. Damn. She get on my fuckin nerves.

"Ight, and when my lawyers see all this shit, they gone give me full custody. Don't play with me bitch." I said before walking out the door and locking it.

I hate my baby mama. Her hoe ass poked holes in my condom so she could have me stuck for life. Bitch ass.

Just tryna show y'all how the other characters live and stuff💕

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