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We finally finished the short tour. We did 20 shoes. Ayanna, Andrea, and my mom have been fine since our little scare. Nothing has  happened since.

I got off the tour bus and went to my car. I was tired as hell and all I wanted to do was sleep. I quickly drove to the house and saw Andrea and Amaya playing with chalk on the sidewalk.

"Who's that?" Ayanna pointed at me car while smiling. Amaya got up and ran towards the car while I opened the door. The door hit her dead in the face and she fell down. I was trying to stifle my laugh but it came out anyway.

"My baby!" Ayanna yelled while picking her up. She sat her on the porch. Her mouth was bleeding. "Oh lord, say cheese." Amaya did as she was told and Ayanna put her face in her hands.

"You knocked my baby's front teeth out." I looked at Amaya then grabbed my bags.

"It'll be a funny story when she gets older."
I kissed her head and walked to the door. Ayanna pushed me back though.

"Go find my daughters teeth." I groaned as she took my bags from me. "Go look for em wit him lil girl. You shouldn't have tried to run out there."

"But mama my mouth hurt." She whined.

"Yo ass finna hurt if you don't find them teeth!" Ayanna went in the house and slammed the door. Damn. She was just on the porch smiling and shit. She bipolar as hell.

"Daddy I can't find em." Amaya said while looking through the grass.

"Just go in the house and get some ice. I got it." I was still tired, but I gotta find these teeth if I wanna go inside and take a nap.

I finally found them under my front tire an hour later. I literally spent an hour looking for some fucking teeth.

I walked inside and saw Ayanna in the kitchen, the boys on the game, and Amaya watching videos on the iPad.

"Tell daddy what you told me." Ayanna pointed at me as I handed the teeth to her. She put them in a Ziploc bag.

"I was at my friend's house and we were riding our bikes down the hill and I saw this car and they kept following us. That's weird ain't it?" I groaned. I thought this shit was over.

"I'll handle it baby girl." I kissed her forehead and went upstairs. I was horny, hot, and hungry.

"Ayanna!" I yelled. Nobody said anything. I got out of bed and went downstairs. They lazy asses were all on the couch watching the Proud Family.

"Mama I look like Penny!" Amaya smiled and pointed at her two braided ponytails.

"So you ain't here me call you?" I asked while tapping Ayanna on her head. She turned around and shook her head.

"Nah, wassup?" She got up and leaned against the couch.

"I'm hungry." She laughed and pointed at the kitchen.

"We'll eat dinner after a few episodes so don't touch that roast." I rubbed my hands together and went to the kitchen.

I lifted the aluminum foil off the pan on the oven. There was a well done roast with carrots and sliced potatoes on the side of it. Ayanna sure knows how to cook. And she makes it look good.

"I just said don't touch it! You worse than the kids!" She yelled while looking at me. Sam covered his ears. She was sitting right beside him.

"Stop yelling in my son ear." I laughed and took a carrot out and stuffed it in my mouth. 

"Qua!" She yelled and got up. I ran upstairs and she was right behind me. I fell on the bed and she hovered on top of me. "What you eatin?"

"Nothin." I opened my mouth and revealed the orange specks left over from my carrot. "I'm tryna eat you though." She rolled her eyes. She's never intimate with me anymore. Well, she hasn't been since I said her pussy was loose.

"Did you schedule our marriage counseling?" She asked after getting off of me.

"Didn't think we needed it anymore." I shrugged. It was true. We've been doing good. Why would we need it?

She was about to reply but the doorbell rang. We both walked downstairs.

"Why didn't y'all get the door?" I asked. Quenton turned around. "Mama said don't get it if she not down here."

I looked at her and she nodded. That was smart I guess. She opened the door. It was a vase with flowers in it. Dandelions. She's allergic.

"Move back. Lemme see if it's something with em." I pushed her away from the door before her over dramatic ass tried to make herself have ma allergic reaction.

"Ooh pretty flowers daddy." Amaya came up behind me and rubbed my back.

"Go put one in the grass." I handed her one once she got on the porch. I threw the flowers out into the yard and picked the vase up. It had a note at the bottom.

I closed the door after Amaya came in. I put soap and water in the vase after handing Ayanna the note.

"Just wait on it. What does that even mean?" She asked while showing me the note. I shrugged. How the hell I'm posed to know?

"Just wait on it girl. It's self explanatory." She was about to cuss my sarcastic ass out when her phone started ringing.

"Wassam?" She sat the phone against the coffee machine.

"I'm on my way over there okay? Don't leave. I gotta tell y'all somethin." I was about to ask what but Andrea hung up.

"She's been pretty shaken up and shit ever since Dolph went on tour."

"My nigga Dolph livin wit her?" She nodded. Well damn. That's why they were extra friendly at the barbecue.

"Looks like it's y'all nigga." She laughed while Amaya took a carrot out of the pot. "You just like yo damn daddy. Go wash y'all hands." She said while the doorbell rang.

"Get if Qua." She pointed to the door while taking her fine china plates out the closet.


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