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"Come on y'all, only a few more days and you will be done for a few months." I said to my three children: Quenton, Samuel, and Amaya.

"Mama I'm gonna be in 4th grade next year." My youngest, Amaya, said. She was seven and our birthday was the same day.

"Mhm, now eat your breakfast so we can get to school on time." I pointed at her french toast sticks. Quenton was too into his phone to eat.

"And what did I say about that phone lil boy?" I put my hand on my hip and looked at him. "No phones at the table." I took the red phone out of his hand and put it on the counter. "Now eat." I checked the clock on his phone. 6:15.

"Ooh shoot. Come on, gotta drop Amaya and Sam off." They put their plates in the sink and grabbed their backpacks. Sam had a black Jansport and Amaya had a Doc Mcstuffins one.

"Your daddy will take you Quenton." I put his phone on the table and kissed his cheek. "Have a good day. And tie your shoes." I looked down at his Jordan's then grabbed my keys and walked outside. I led the kids to my black Range Rover. They got situated and I drove to Amaya's school.

"Bye babygirl. Have a good day!" I kissed her cheeks before letting her out.

"Bye mama!" Amaya waved at me while walking inside.

"I'm tired." Sam mumbled before he in the front seat.

"Lazy bones." I said while driving to his high school. Quenton goes to a school that has a good basketball and football team while Sam just goes to a school with a good baseball team.

"Bye mama." I kissed his cheek and looked at him as he got out. My baby getting so big. He's about to be 15 on August 3rd.

I drove back to the house after he went in the school. I walked inside and saw Qua on the couch with Offset and Takeoff.

"Hey y'all. Did you take Quenton to school?"

"You don't see him here do you?" He said. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"You finna see yo self kicked out of my damn house." I muttered and went to the kitchen.

"We finna go on tour soon." Takeoff said. I hated when they went on tour. It was great for money, but they were gone for months at a time. Last time he went on tour, he missed Sam's birthday. Ever since then, Sam doesn't like Qua. He claims that his daddy doesn't love him like he does Quenton and Amaya but that is simply not true.

"When is soon?" I asked while looking through the fridge. It was Quenton's night to cook so I was trying to find him something simple to make.

"Saturday." I slammed the refrigerator door closed and they all looked at me. "This Saturday? It's Tuesday. When were you gonna tell me?" I stared directly at Quavo. He shook his head then walked upstairs.

Ever since I had Amaya, he's been like this. Always has an attitude, barely talks to me or the kids, and he never tells me stuff.

"You ight wit us stayin till the kids get home?" Offset asked me. I shrugged then headed upstairs.

I went to our room and saw Quavo on the bed with duffel bags packed, most likely for his tour.

"Why Sam don't be talkin to me?" He asked after I walked in.

"Ask him. He's your son too." I shrugged and sat on the bed. I grabbed his pinky ring off the nightstand and put it on the side of his bag.

"Yeah but he don't fuck wit me. The only one who fuck wit me is Quenton."

"Wanna know why?" He stopped packing and looked at me. "Because you spend more time with Quenton than them. They feel left out Qua. You need to do as much stuff with them as you do with Quenton." I rubbed my face. "Sam has a baseball game tomorrow. And Amaya is going to soccer practice Thursday. Why don't you come to support them with me?"

"A couple days ain't gone fix nothin though Yanna. I just feel like they look at me as the secondary parent. They just come to me when they want something. They go to you for everything else." He sighed.

"I would say spend the summer with them but you have other plans." I shrugged and leaned my body against the headboard. "So don't even worry about it. It's nothing."

"Ayanna it's just a few weeks. Twenty shows tops, I'm not gonna be gone for long. I'll take Sam with me if you don't believe me."

"No how about you cancel the tour and spend some time with all three of your kids? Take them to the water park or something."

"I can't just cancel the tour. We all have to come to an agreement. And besides, we've already sold tickets-"

"Refunds." I shrugged. He groaned and rubbed his face. "Fuck it. Never mind. Me and the kids are gonna go to Disneyworld or something this weekend. I'll make sure they get to tell you bye." I said. He was getting on my nerves at this point. It was like he didn't even want our children. Our three beautiful children. I can't believe him.

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