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I stood by the front door and crossed my arms while tapping my shell toes against the pavement. His shit was nice on the outside. All brick. His windows looked like the windows at a church. Circular at the top and square towards the bottom. Nigga was livin lavish.

I called Kiari while I waited for Ayanna. He didn't answer so I called Qua.

"Wassup?" He answered on the first ring. "Nothin. Ayanna won't open the door." I said while staring at the red door.

"Are you fucking retarded?" He asked before hanging up on me. Then it hit me. Anybody could be in there. She could be dead by now. Waffle House was a few blocks down so the boys should be near here. I lifted my leg to kick down the door but it didn't even budge.

I pulled my braids up into a ponytail and ran and kicked the door. That mothafucka was stuck! Them white folks was lookin at me like I was retarded. I gave them a polite wave. I definitely don't need a jail charge right now.

A lightbulb went off in my head. I drove the car up next to the window I lifted Ayanna into. I was just about to crawl in when I heard Ayanna's voice.

"What yo dumbass doin?" She laughed. I crawled down and fell on the hood of the car. "I'm gettin too old for this shit." I was 35. Too old to be flopping on cars.

"What took you so long?" I grunted while getting off the car. I had put a dent in the top. My mama gon beat my ass. I moved it away from the house and parked on the curb.

"Bitch..." She clapped her hands and led me into the house. "Some lil girl tried to shoot me! She had to be like 16 or something." She said as we looked around the house.

"Where she at?" I looked through the closet. Nothing was in there but tacky white people clothes.

"Girl I stomped that lil bitty bitch." I laughed and shut the closet. She get on my damn nerves.

"She dead?"

"Bitch do it look like I'm finna go to jail for killing a lil girl?" She asked. I looked out the window and saw the boys talking to a police officer.

"No, but it look like we finna go to jail for breaking and entering. Hide that lil girl and let's go around the back." She ran upstairs then about two minutes later she came back with two of Greg's shirts, glasses, and jackets.

"It's too hot for that!" I whined.

"Go to jail then." I rolled my eyes then took the clothes out her hand. I took my shirt off and put his Harvard shirt on. It even smelled like the nigga. Dove deodorant with Axe body spray.

"Where we put these?" I held up my shirt. She took it out my hand and ran upstairs. She came back down and grinned at me.

"Let's go." She used her shirt to open the back door. We walked around the house and walked through a few backyards to get to the front. I put my glasses on and started a stupid conversation with Ayanna.

"Yeah, I think there are more than two genders." She looked at me like I was dumb.

"And what's the others Andy?" She asked as we walked back to the cars.

"I'm gonna call it froh. Fucking raw on hoes." I smiled and laughed. She waved me off.

"You're silly." She looked at the officer and smiled. "Oh hey officer. Problem?" She grinned and looked at the officer. Nigga must've liked her or something because he was starin hard as hell.

"No ma'am. Neighbors filed a complaint. Just came to check it out." He licked his mouth. I would say lips but he didn't have any.

"Well, I hope you find what you're searching for." She said while getting in the car.

"So you went to Harvard?" He tried to start a conversation with Ayanna but Quavo nipped that in the bud.

"So she's married. I know you see that big ass rock on her finger." He mean mugged the officer. He wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Ayanna. He winked at her before going back to his car.

"Jealous ass. What was in there?" Kiari asked while leaning against the tan car.

"Some lil bitty bitch tried to shoot me!" Ayanna said with her eyes wide. "I had to stomp that bitch."

"I bet you did. Them heavy ass Vans." She rolled her eyes. Quavo always tryna fry.

"Yo, don't Andrea look like a black Mia Khalifa?" The boys looked at me he tilted their heads. I took the glasses off and stomped on them.

"Oh yeah, I got a note out the girl pocket. It's a number and address. It's not much but it seemed important." She held the sticky note up. "And I got a few bands!" She stuck her tongue out and held up a wad of money. "And a phone!"

"Damn so you robbed the bitch?" I laughed.

"Sure sounds like it." Takeoff said while we laughed.

"Shut up, I'm just trying to help." She typed the code of the girl's phone in and went through the messages.

"Grot semi colon two zero three Almaville Lane." She looked back at us.

"Oh shit. That's the trap. Remember?" Kiari patted Quavo's chest.

"Yo stupid ass right. Let's bounce." They got in the car. Takeoff threw Andrea a bag while I started the car.

"What is it?" I asked while following behind the big, black truck.

She opened the bag. I glanced over at it and my mouth fell open. It was a bag full of guns. I grabbed the pink one from the bag and sat in my lap. It had 'princess' written on the side in white letters.

Quavo is such a damn hood nigga.

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