Not so much an early bird~

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The sound of (y/n's) alarm caused her to bolt upright in bed, hair flopping over her face making her look like the girl from the ring. She smacked her alarm and dragged her sleepy body out of her warm comfy bed, something she really didn't appreciate doing in the mornings. She dragged her feet over to the washroom and splashed her face with the cold water. As she reached for her toothbrush her phone pinged. She walked to her bedside table, toothbrush in mouth and read the notification. It was a reminder for her school talent show. Her toothbrush dropped out of her mouth as she gasped, running around her room saying 'crap! Crap! Crap!' Over and over. She picked up the toothbrush from of the floor and rubbed the foamy toothpaste of the floor with her sleeve. She washed the toothbrush as it had fluff on from the carpet and continued brushing. Swiftly after she ran to the closet grabbing random items of clothing until she settled on a pink long sleeved T-shirt and a white suspender skirt. She hurried over to her dressing table and slapped on some minimal makeup and then ran back to her full length mirror, admiring her work. (Y/n) had quite a talent for super rushed makeup and hair as she normally woke up late. She picked up her phone on her way downstairs. "Five minutes, okay."
She sat at the breakfast bar. Her mum/mom (whatever your preference, i say mum cus I'm British :)😂). Put some toast down in front of her.
"Good morning hun! I hope you do well for that talent show of yours. Dad can't be there because of work but i will watch you, kay?" She always smiled when she spoke, (y/n) never understood why and how she could be so optimistic in the mornings!

"Right, thanks mama!" (Y/n) looked up at the time, seeing she had only 30 seconds before her school bus arrived.
"Ahh! Oh my gosh! I have to go!" She grabbed the slice of toast on her way out, slinging her (f/c) backpack over her shoulder and ran out the door.
"Bye mom! Thanks for breakfast, see you at the talent show!"

"Goodbye honey! Good luck!"

Your POV~
I slid to the back of the bus not saying anything to anyone, social interaction really isn't my thing in the morning. I zipped open my backpack grabbing my earphones. I popped them in and scrolled through all my songs stopping at 'gee by girls generation'. My mom advised me to sing a k-pop song for some reason, matched with the dance. Oh well i guess, i like k-pop. My mom is Korean making me half Korean, I speak the language fluently as my mom speaks to me in a mixture of Korean and English. Its more like English is my second language and Korean is my first language. I also speak fluent french, over achiever right? Ha. Geez I really just laughed at my own joke. Damn who am I anymore? I whispered the lyrics and and discreetly went over the dance in my seat. I looked out the window and sighed. I have NEVER been this nervous for a dumb school talent show in my life. My mom made it sound like a huge moment in my life for some reason. Of course I listened, my mom always turns out right. The bus stopped and i hopped out of my bag chucking it over my shoulder again. I gave my thanks to the driver on my way out and walked to the school. I sat in my homeroom seat looking out the window, Gee still playing. I hummed along until my best friend came and shook me.

"(Y/N)! Morning cheese head. Away with the fairies again?"

I just turned to her direction, still humming and looked blankly at her.

"(Y/N)! Hey snap out of it!" She ripped the earplugs out if my ears causing me to put my hands to my ears.

"Hey! What was that for butthead!"
She laughed at my childish name calling and put the earphones in her ears listening to it for a bit, gradually getting more and more confused.
She took them out and placed them back in my ears.

"What is that (Y/N)? Chinese girls?"

"No goldfish brain its k-pop! You know, like Korean pop. The stuff I listen to all the time!"

"Alright geez, don't get to triggered!" She was laughing hysterically.
"Sorry, forget you were Korean, is that the one your singing for the show?"

"Yep, and dancing too."

"Dancing too?! How are you going to stop your voice from shaking?"

"Im not tap dancing (F/n)! You both laughed at this.

"Yeah true. No one will understand you though."

"Meh, I'm doing for my mom anyways and she will understand."

"Aww, sweeet!" She giggled at how cute you can be

"Whatever you say."

"Oh come on (y/n), you know that's nice of you!"
You blushed when she said this.

"Yeah i guess.."

"Haha! I made you blush~"

"Oh shut up!" You both laughed until first bell rang and you had to part ways.

"Bye (y/n)!"

"Yeah, see ya (f/n)!"

I hope you liked the first chapter! The next one will be the talent show so sit tight till then! Also sorry if this is not how you are like with you friends, mum etc. Im also basing this story on the fact most readers are American hence me using the word mom instead of what i would use which is mum! Until the next chapter!~

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