Final :D

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"We all came to see you guys! We've missed you!" All of my friends say.

'What happens when you guys get sick of me?' I think to myself.

"I missed you guys, too!" I giggle.

Mark comes toward our group of friends and starts to talk.

"We should celebrate. How many of us are here?"

Rosie, Jack, Kylie, Dan, Phil, Alma, Sammy (AKA, My new friend [Check out her stories!], Markipiarfan02) , Jannae, Cleo, Cierra, Felix, Bob, and Wade.

"We have fifteen people, Mark," I say, looking over towards my boyfriend of three years.

We went to a restaurant, and then we all went to chill at the apartment.

"How about truth or dare?" Right in this moment, we were figuring out something fun to do.

"Nah, how about we go on a road trip?" Mark asks.

I look over at him strangely.

"How are we going to do that? We have fifteen people here." I say, laughing.

"Seriously, we should rent a van or something. Please?"

'This makes like no sense. Why would we go on a spontaneous road trip? Why would we want to, though?'

"Okay," I said, grinning.

Everyone just started scrambling to grab their possessions, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye; Mark had things packed, too. He had something planned. I got up and went up to our room, to grab my phone, but it wasn't there.

"Mark, have you seen my phone?" I say, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah, I grabbed it for you. I also packed your stuff. I hope you don't mind." Mark laughed.

I giggled, grabbed my phone and Felix ran to the car renting place. Moments later he was back, and we all crammed our stuff into the back of the van. We all piled in, and everyone was basically sitting elbow to elbow. Mark was driving, and Felix had called shotgun. I'm not kidding when I say that this van was huge. I mean, it kind of had to be. With fifteen people in one car, you have to have a big van.

In the seats behind the driver and passenger were occupied by Kylie, Sammy, and I. Behind us was Jack, Rosie, and Jannae. Behind them was Dan, Phil, Cleo, and Cierra, (We had to have one row with four). Finally, in the last row, we had Alma, Bob, and Wade.

The ride consisted of a thirteen-hour drive. I fell asleep, though. Felix and Mark switched out about halfway, and I got woke up around eight a.m. by Sammy shaking me.

"Wake up! We're here!" Sammy says. I look out my window to find that we are in none other than Blackfoot, Idaho.

"Wait, what are we doing here?" I ask.

"You'll see," Mark says. Then Felix drops Mark and me off at the Moreland Cemetery.

"Mark.." I say, unsure.

I look at what he is holding, and it just so happened to be the violin that he gave me on my birthday. I walked over to my great grandparent's headstones and started talking. Mark and I had gone to Cincinnati at some point, and we had visited his dad. I found it really sweet that he did this.

"You should play," Mark said, holding out the violin.

And so I did. I started to play 'The Prayer' by Celine Dion. When I got done I looked behind me, and Mark was down on one knee.

"Charity, we have been through so much together. I have been planning on doing this for a while, but I haven't quite found the right time. Will you be my player two?" Mark asked. I had tears running down my face when I spoke my next words.

"Yes, I will!"

A/N: Heya! This is the final chapter of the book. I will be editing, though. So be aware :) 

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