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Oh no.
I didn't know what to think.
I completely froze. Surgery. I look over to Kylie, and she was ghostly pale with complete shock written on her face.

"Wh-when?" Kylie asks.

"As soon as possible, so we're going to take you in about five minutes." The doctor says, walking out of the room.

"So... Kylie are you cool with this?" I ask.

"I ha- Wait! Is that MARKIPLIER?!" Kylie asks.

"Yeah! Charity talks about you a lot, it's really nice to meet you!" Mark says, hugging Kylie.

Looking over Mark's shoulder, I see Kylie mouthing, 'OMG!'

Once they pull away Kylie asks a question.

"How is Mark here?!"

"Uh... he's my boyfriend..."

"WHAUT?!" She looks over to me, shocked.

"Uhh, sorry?" I say, shrugging.


"I DUNNO!" I laugh.

"Kylie, we're going to be taking you back now." As the doctor says that, I go up to Kylie and hug her.

"We'll see you afterwards Kyle." I say, calling her the nickname I gave her in highschool.

"Bye guys!!" Kylie says, while the doctor and his nurse rolled her away.

We go to the waiting room, and Alma comes over to sit on my right, and Mark sits on my left.

"Heys." She says.

"Hay is for horses." I say, smiling over to one of my best friends.

Alma *playfully* slaps me and chuckles.

"ABUSE! I'M GETTING ABUSED!!" I whisper/shout.

"Charity, shut up!" Alma says.

The conversation dies, so I take out my earbuds and my phone. I plug in the earbuds and put them into my ears, playing my 'My Chemical Romance' playlist. Welcome to the Black Parade comes on and I start tearing up.

"My emo heart can't take this!" I whisper.

Mark looks over at me smiling. He takes the right earbud out of my ear and puts it in his.

When I was a young boy,

My father took me into the city,

To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,

Would you be the savior of the broken,

The beaten, and the damned.

As the song went on I whispered the words. I crafted so much.. I mean cry; I had cried soo much.

-_-Time skip brought to you by a lazy Charity..-_-

After my playlist ended, I got a call from an unknown number. I excused myself from my group of friends, I answered.


"Charity Williams?" A woman's voice answers.


"Kylie just got out of surgery, but she has to go over to recovery; she will be in her room, room 306, in about thirty minutes."

"Okay, thank you so much!" I say, hanging up, and walking in the room.

"Kylie is out of surgery, but they had to take her to recovery, then they are taking her to room 306." I sit down in my original seat.

I can't wait to see her again.

I take out the journal I packed, and pulled out my pencil.


I still feel like I'm garbage. I could have been there for Kylie, but I wasn't. It kills me that I couldn't be there for her. Five minutes. I got to see Kylie for five minutes before surgery. Ugh!! Why?! Why was I cursed to be like this? Like a trash can? Why do they not realize that I am nothing but bad for them. -12:03 P.M..
I am so sorry for not updating like I said. I am a disappointment.
Kylie: BrightHeart11

Summer Break [A Markiplier Fanfiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now