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Then I see her.
See who? You may find yourself asking.
Rosalie Hadlock. I haven't seen her in years.
We were best friends in highschool. She still had her short blonde hair, her tall stature, and her beautiful hazel eyes. She looked so mature now. All of us do. We used to be so young. No we're all grown up! Time is like that, it feels like yesterday. Yesterday, we used to be in highschool, now? We're passed college, we have our own lives, but one thing lead to another, and we are brought back together.  New friends, old friends, we're all here for one of our best friends. We're all here for Kylie.
"Hey guys!" I say, while walking up to my friend group.
"Heys!" Alma says.
"Rose! Your back!" I say, walking to hug my Besties.
At this point in time, Rosie had just got her gallbladder taken out, and she was just returning to school. Although, she chose the wrong week to come back; it was finals week.
I see a hand in front of my face, and I look to find who the hand is attached to.
"OMG!! Rosie! I haven't seen you since graduation!"
"I know! Alma called me and I found the fastest way down here from Ireland!"
"What? You be living in Ireland now?" Kylie asks.
"Yeah. After graduation, I got a job, and when I finally had enough money, I moved. I met my boyfriend on my way to my new apartment, and we just hit it off." Rosie says.
"What!!?? You have a boyfriend! Who is it, where is he?" I shout; I have a big grin on my face.
"In Ireland. He couldn't make it. His name's Jack." Rosie says, whilst winking.
"What? Do you mean who we all think you mean?" Alma asks, wriggling her eyebrows and winking.
"I don't know, who are you thinking?"
"Jacksepticeye? You think he would have hinted around to something like that to me though." Mark say, questioning himself.
"Yeah. We met in Starbucks. I was walking out, and he was walking in. Needless to say, I spilt my dark roasted coffee down my shirt. He got all flustered, but we got to talking, and he walked me home."
"Aww!!!" Most of the people in the room chorus.
"Now tell me; why is Mark here?"
"I came here with my girlfriend!" Mark says, chuckling.
"Kylie?" Rosie asks.
"Nope.." I say.
"Yep!" Mark says, getting up and walking over to us.
I Walk over to where Mark was just sitting, and sit by Kylie.
"HEY KYLE!" I say in a high pitched voice. [Kylie got stuck in a door!] (Inside jokes, amirite?)
"Hey Charmander." Kylie says.
~time skips for days! (Skipping a day, after an appendectomy they make you stay two to three days after the procedure.) (One day until Kylie gets out of the hospital.)~
After waking Mark up, we got dressed, and we make our way to the rental car. The ride there was silent, except for the soft hum of the radio, and our controlled breathing. Once Mark parks the car, I go to get out, but Mark quickly grabs my wrist.
"Charity, how are you feeling after everything that has been happening?"
"I'm fine," I say pulling the sleeves of my My Chemical Romance sweater.
"Charity, look me in the eyes." I don't feel the courage to look up at Mark. I start tearing up, but Mark puts a finger underneath my chin, and makes me look at him. When I look up, I see how much love and worry are truly in his eyes, I couldn't hold back my tears. Mark instantly goes to hug me, and whispers things like, "It'll be okay," or, "We'll be okay." Once I stop crying I pull away from Mark's embrace, and look him in the eyes. He slowly starts to lean in, so I start to, also. I close my eyes and anticipate the kiss. He brushes his lips against mine, and fireworks spread throughout my body. I wish it could've lasted forever, but all good things come to an end, when you are in need of oxygen. We pull away and smile at each other.
"What's got you stressed?" Mark asks.
What does have me stressed? Is it Kylie being in the hospital, or does it have to do with my life?
"I-I don't even know! That's the worst part I don't know what is upsetting me... I mean Kylie being put in the hospital isn't helping, and- I don't know.." I say.
"Let's go see Kylie, maybe that'll cheer you up." Mark says, smiling goofily over at me.
"Okay." I say jumping out of the car. Mark catches up, and slides his hand into mine.
Once we get up to Kylie's room, we knock on her door. We hear a, 'come in,' so we open the door and go in. I look at the faces in the room, and spot Rose, Kylie, Alma, Jannae, Jack, an- What?! Jack?!
"Rosie! I thought that you said Jack couldn't make it?" I say.
"I did, I thought he couldn't make it. Then, this morning he called me to ask what hotel room I was staying in," Rosie says.
Mark goes over and hugs Jack. Afterward, Jack comes over to me, and hugs me.
"So you are the Charity that Mark and Rosie talk about. I'm Sean, but most people call me Jack."
"I'm Charity, as you already know, and it's nice to meet you, Jack." I say.
"It's nice to meet you as well, Charity." He gives me a smile, and walks over to Rosie.
I walk over to Kylie and sit down.
"Heys!" I say trying to be cheerful.
"Hi, Charmander." Kylie says, smiling up at me.
"Mark and I have to leave tonight, but I will text you and call you." I say.
"That's fine, just as long as-" Kylie didn't get to finish her sentence as two men ran into the room.
A/N: hey guys! I'm here with another chapter, this one is dedicated to KatherinePerice02, also known as Rosie! Anywhozies! I'll see you in the next chapter, BUH-BYE!!

Summer Break [A Markiplier Fanfiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now