Meeting the Drunk Minecraft Crew

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As I woke up I heard voices, so I listened.

"Hey! I found her in the darkest of times, and I was trying to help her."

"MAN, You're a hero," says a different voice.

"Hey, we should go check on her," I duck down on whatever I'm on, and close my eyes as quickly  as I could.

I heard thumping come from upstairs,

'WAIT, Where am I,' My thoughts said as they interrupted my other thoughts. As I was thinking, I heard the footsteps grow louder until they stopped, and I could feel that they were looking at me.  Before I got to think about that too much; they started talking.

"She looks so peaceful being asleep," A huskier voice said.

I felt a sharp pain go through my leg and then I bit my lip, opening my eyes.

"Hey, Mark! She's awake," says a different voice.

"Oh yeah, she is Wade," someone says.

I was still adjusting from the light till I see an all too familiar face.

"Hey, uh, do you remember your name," asked the face.

'The face was Markiplier, YOU IDIOT.' 

"Yes, I do. My name is Charity Williams, I am eighteen years of age, but before anything else may I ask a question," I asked.

"Yeah, sure Charity," Mark says excitedly.

"Where am I, and why the fudge am I in a place with you guys," I question. 

"You are in my house," Mark started, " and do you know who we are," He asked nervously.

"Of course. You are Mark, Bob, and Wade, BUT you still haven't answered my second question. Why am I here, Mark," I ask confused but also fangirling on the inside 'I'M IN MY HERO'S HOUSE, but for what?'

"Oh...umm... Take it, Wade," Mark says to enthusiastically at the end for what was coming next.

"Well Mark, Bob, and I were going to the store, but when Mark saw you he got straight out of the car and ran over to you. Then He so you choking on blood so we ran you to the hospital to make sure you were okay. They tried to find your family but it said you lived in Idaho so we couldn't just leave you there when they said that you could leave so Mark said you could stay here. Your leg was pretty bad but we got you there in time. How are you feeling?" Wade asked.

"I mean my leg hurts pretty bad, but other than that, I'm fine. Yes, I do live in Idaho, but I came down to L.A. for two weeks for summer break. Any more questions?"

"Yes, What's this?' Mark asked holding up a case.

"Could you hand that to me, and that right there is my pride and joy. Please be careful with it?" As I asked, Mark was walking over and tripped on something.

I quickly got up, ignoring the pain that shot up through my leg and helped up Mark, thankfully nobody got hurt.


Hey guys! Special long chapter for you guys so enjoy!

So as always I will see you in the next chapter,


Summer Break [A Markiplier Fanfiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now