Moving in!

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"I choose to... YES! Mark, I will move in with you! I say, giving Mark a hug.

"That's such a relief! I thought you were going to shoot me down again!" Mark says, kissing me on the cheek. One week later we had all of my stuff packed and sent it over to Mark's apartment. We were going to go to California today, and today was the day to say goodbye to my friends, family, and Alma. Alma is one of those friends that is not really a friend, but a long lost sister. And I dreaded the fact that today was going to be goodbye for a while. Mark looks at me with the biggest smile on his face until he sees the hot tear travel down my cheek.

"What's wrong, Char?" Mark says, embracing me stroking my hair. After calming down, I sit down on the steps of my old apartment building, signaling for Mark to sit down with me.

"It's just that... I've grown up here, It's one thing to leave for two weeks... but to move away, It just hurts. I even went to college here, so that I could still see my family on the weekends. I still want to go, but it's going to be really hard to leave the only home I've known..." I say tearing up again.

"Charity, I get it, I had to move away from Cincinnati, to live my dreams. I'm just so sorry that it had to be so, abrupt." Mark says, side hugging me.

"I'm sorry for breaking down, but let's go do it before I change my mind." I say standing up and walking to my car. We both drive to my house, where I grew up. As I get out my little brother, Timmy, comes running out to see me. He jumps into my arms and we hug for a moment until, he looks up at me with curious eyes.

"Charity, what are you doing here?" He says looking at me smiling, a huge grin. I look at him with sad eyes and begin to explain where I am going.

"Timmy, you see, I have fallin' in love. The problem is that the man who has stolen my heart, lives, unfortunately, in California. Which means that it would be really far away, and I wouldn't get to see him for a while, so Tim Tim, I'm moving to California." I say, with a single tear falling down my cheek. Timothy looks up into my eyes, while wiping the tear, asking the big question.

"Charity, who is it?" Tim says, with nothing, but sadness. I look at Mark's car, and signal for him to come over to where me and my sixteen year old brother. Mark steps out of the car and when my brother looks at him he instantly asks questions about what's his name, and other facts, which I tell him and we all walk inside to see my mom and grandma crying. When they see me the get up and come over to see me.

"Charbear, we're going to miss you so much," My mom stopping to wipe a tear, "but, we can see how much you love this man and I think it would be more beneficial for you to go with him, to California, just know that if you don't come home for Christmas and Thanksgiving, I will come and get you." My mom says looking in my eyes and giving me hug, but soon turns to Mark.

"And for you. You better treat my daughter right, or I will send you into next year, you understand?" Mom says, looking straight in his eyes, not blinking once.

"O-Okay!" Mark says, in a scared tone.

"Okay then. Call me mom." Mom says, hugging him. My grandma and I share a hug and Mark and I head to my other friends houses giving them hugs and saying goodbye. Then we go to Alma's. Alma sat on the doorstep and held a box. I got out of my car, and she stood up.

"Charity..." Alma said, walking up next to me.

"Alma, I'm going to miss you, a lot." I say, giving her a hug. We break from the hug, and she hands me the box.

"Open it." She says, with tears building up in her eyes. I open the box and see something I thought I would never see again. What I saw was one of the most incredible sights I have ever laid my eyes on. It was a half of a sister necklace. She showed me her half and for the second time that day I broke down into tears. We hugged for the last time for a while and we said goodbyes, and I got in my car. I drove off and didn't look back, because, I had a long drive to California.

-Timeskip to California-

I was about 30 minutes away from the apartment when Mark texted me too tell me that he was there moving my stuff into my room. I didn't reply, because I was driving, but I called him on my BlueTooth.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, how close are you?" Mark asks.

"About 25 minutes from the apartment." I say.

"Okay, cool. Like I said, I am going to start moving your clothes and stuffintomyroom." Mark says, saying the last part fast.

"What?" I say, laughing.

"I said, I'm going to start moving your clothes into our room." Mark says, slower this time.

"Our room?" I say a bit confused.

"Yeah, got to go. Talk to you in about twenty, love you." Mark says, hanging up.

"Okay, then?" I say chuckling quietly to myself.

~Timeskip to the apartment~

I knock on the apartment door and Mark answers the door laughing at me.

"Charity. This is our apartment now, you don't have to knock on the front door." He says, pulling me into the apartment, kissing my forehead.

"Mark, I'm tired." I say, laughing at the messy apartment.

"Well then, princess. Let's go to our bed!" Mark says, leading me into hi- I mean our bedroom. I get my pajamas on and climb into the cocoon of warmth, soon after Mark getting into bed, wrapping his arms around me, telling me he loves me.

"I love you, my prince in shining armor." I say snuggling into his arms, loving him more than ever, if that was even possible.

The End.

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