A/N Read please; important

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I know. I'm such a bad person. NO UPDATE SINCE APRIL? REALLY AUTHOR (Charity)?!

It's for reasons.

Reason One: My grandma started Dialysis and it stresses me out.

Reason Two: FINALS *Rips hair out* Horrid, aren't they?

Okay, so I need your help. I am writing my final for my English teacher, so if you guys would read it for me and tell me what I can do to improve it, that would be PHANTASTIC.

And I promise to have an extra long chapter out to you guys today, tomorrow, or Thursday, if you guys can help me. I don't really feel that confident about reading this out loud to the class, so if you would help, it would be very much appreciated.

This is called The Brain.

Charity Williams

Language Arts (sixth hour, eighth grade)

16 May 2016

The Brain

"Why are we supposed to observe him; why couldn't it be Larry?"

"We got assigned to it, not Larry. Suck it up, we have to do this."


"What is happening to them?"

"They are fighting, ever heard of it?"

"That was rude. Why are they acting that way?"

Felix had many symptoms that were going throughout his brain at the moment. He kept his feelings internalized, and he just wasn't himself anymore. He was usually very creative, but now he was just part of what he used to be. He tried different treatments, but none of them worked. It seemed like he would never be the same again. One more try going to the hospital, and then he would shun humanity. He would sit in his house and do nothing; was there a point in life if he continued to be a shell of himself? His subscribers were worried, but he just didn't have the heart to tell them. He got in his car and started to drive off to the hospital. When he finally pulled up to the hospital in his emerald green Mustang, he walked in. He could see all the patients, knowing they had their own story. One person was holding their leg, while a monster circled them.

The monsters came to the surface when the human, Frisk, opened the barrier. They were sent under Mount Ebott when the humans beat them. The barrier that kept them underground required seven human souls in order for it to break, and allow the monsters to be freed. The monsters were as friendly as could be, but nobody would give them a chance to show it. This happened in 201X, that was then. This is now.

Felix read and signed his name onto the paper that the secretary gave him. With that, he got out of his seat and handed it back to them. He sat down again, and waited. While waiting, the human and their family were called back, got up and went back. Felix pulled out his phone and did the only thing he could do; stalk his friends on Twitter! He looked up his best friend, Cryaotic, and began looking at the first post. After about ten minutes he was also called back, he walked into room 127 and waited anxiously for someone to talk to. He walked in and the door flew shut, without anyone even touching it.

"Patient two four six zero two, how are you doing today?" Felix looked at the door and found nothing.

"Um, not too great."

"Has the treatment been working?"


"What are your symptoms?"

"I just- I internalize my feelings a lot. I have trouble articulating how I'm feeling to other people. I feel like- I just- what's wrong with me, please? Please."

"Your emotions and logic are at war."


"Your creativity and your analysis are at war. Most simply, your left and right brain are at war."
"My left and my-"

"We need to separate them. Splitting your neurological functions in 3... 2... 1."

Felix felt a lot of pain. It was almost like a migraine, only ten times worse. Roughly ten seconds went by and the pain was just as terrible as before, it had neither ceased nor diminished. The pain was too much to handle. Then suddenly the pain went away, it was almost like the power going off in the middle of a thunderstorm.

"This is Felix's right brain. His name is Jack. He resembles emotions and creativity, and this is Mark, Felix's left brain. He represents logic and analysis."

The two looked at each other and glared. They then looked over to the body on the table. Mark analysed the person. Jack ran over and started wondering and worrying about if the person was dead. Mark walked over to the person and stared blankly.

"Mark! What if he is dead!" Jack was tearing up.

"Jack quit being so emotional." Mark just rolled his eyes.

"Boys this is Felix. He is your person, and no Jack he is not dead. He is just... sleeping, I guess you could call it that. Yeah."

"Felix, huh?" Mark says.

"What would happen if we didn't go back to his head?" Jack asked.

"He would substitute you guys. He would go back to normal. And for you two, you guys would eventually turn into your own people."

That's what happened. Mark and Jack parted ways, and Felix went back to himself. Jack moved to Ireland, Felix moved away to England, and for Mark he stayed in Los Angeles. Mark, Jack, and Felix all forgot about each other, but they all often felt like something was missing. They all had jobs, and they had the same position. They were all YouTubers!

After about a year of leaving Felix, Jack and Mark both were their own people. Their YouTube channels mostly consisted of the game genre: horror. They hadn't even known about the others until one day, their subscribers let the word out about Jack and Mark to Felix. Felix was just playing Five Nights at Freddy's Eight, and while he was doing a livestream for his followers he read the comments and found out that someone had already beaten it. Markiplier was his name. Felix went to his channel, and he actually did beat it. He clicked on the video and waited anxiously for it to load. When the video started up he heard a voice coming through the speakers.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Five Nights at Freddy's Eight." Felix had a feeling that he had known that voice from somewhere, but he just shook the feeling away.

Felix went back to the livestream and continued to get tons of advice, in order to finish night four. Felix was getting exhausted, so he finished the livestream. Going into his room, he didn't even bother changing; he fell asleep in his jeans and shirt. The next day, Felix woke up around two o'clock in the afternoon. Felix grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and looked at Markiplier's channel. Mark had uploaded a new video, but someone named Jack. Jack had an Irish accent and his catchphrase was something along the lines of, "TOP OF THE MORNIN' LADIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE!" Felix was on edge about Jack, but he looked for his channel on YouTube anyway.

Anyways, it's not done, but if you guys want me to post the finished part in another chapter, I will. Okay see you guys later; I've got to work on a new chapter. :3 And I will see you in the next chapter, BUH-BYE!

By the way the idea for this came from the video, Left Brain, Right Brain by Bo Burnham.

(It's the video at the top.)

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