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When I woke up to my alarm, I felt happy I would have 2 more days to spend with, Mark. Then all of the memories came flooding back in, and I'm not going to lie, they hit me like a truck. The truck also hit very hard, and made me cry. I also remembered that I was leaving today, which made me cry harder than before, because I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to. I grabbed my bags, and went out the door. I returned my key, and walked to the airport. On my way to the airport I walked by Mark's apartment building on my way, and the thought of him made me upset. Not because he did anything, but because it was hard to leave the hero I had grown to love, go away. I made the biggest mistake of my life, but I kept walking to the airport. After about 30 minutes of walking, I found myself getting a ticket, and waiting in the waiting area. I waited for about a hour and then my plane got called and I found my seat on the plane. After about 15 minutes of flying, I started to get sleepy, and rested my head on the window.

'Idaho, here I come.' I think before drifting off to sleep.


I was in Los Angeles, with Mark, and I was watching Mark play To The Moon.

"EVA, WHY?" Mark yelled tears filling his eyes. I was crying too, but I had to be quiet, so Mark's fans wouldn't know I was there.

"Well, I'm going to have to stop it here, so as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh-Bye!" Mark says waving at the camera. After the recording was over, Mark and I went to watch a movie.

"Charity, what movie?" Mark questions.

"Um... The Lion King." When I finish my sentence, Mark does what Mark does best.

"CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT???" Mark says, putting the disk into the dvd player.

~TIME SKIP brought to you by Simba~

After the movie was over I went to say something, but when I looked into Mark's eyes, we both just started to lean in closer together. Closer, and closer we got, and I finally felt his breath on my face when I started to be shook.


I opened my eyes to see a women shaking me and saying, "Ma'am, wake up the flight is over."

"Okay, thank you." I say standing up and grabbing my carry-on. I then walk off the plane and go to get my luggage.


Once I got my luggage, after 20 uneventful minutes, I texted Alma.

(A=Alma and C=Charity)

C: Alma, where are you, you said you would come to get me

A: I'm by the exit

C: Okay see you in a matter of, like, a minute

A: See ya

Once I put my phone in my pocket, I went to find my sister, Alma. I soon found her looking for me and I called her name. Alma looked over to me and got an excited expression on her face. (Adorable!)

"Charity!" Alma called running to me. When she got to me, we hugged. Once Alma and I parted, we started walking to her emerald green, old looking, Mustang.

"Holy, Alma that is the most amazing car I have ever seen!" I exclaim.

"Thanks, it was alway my dream car!" Alma says unlocking the trunk, while I put my things in. We got in and the whole way back to Blackfoot was silent until I got a phone call. I look down to see that it was indeed, Mark. I started to tear up at the thought of hearing Mark sound broken, again. Apparently, Alma noticed.

"What's the matter, Charity?" Alma said, looking over at me when we were at a stop light.

"M-Mark. H-he just tried to call..." I say, tripping over my own words.

"Why didn't you answer, if you don't mind me asking?" Alma says, looking back to the road, going when the light turns green.'

"I-I didn't have the guts..." I say, looking out the window.

"I understand, by the way when you get home you should take a look at Mark's channel when you get home..." Alma says pulling into my childhood home, and looking into my eyes.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later Alma." I say getting out of the car, and grabbing my stuff out of the trunk.

"Family, here I come."I say walking up to the front door.


Hey guys! Another chapter finished, and this is still not the end lol. Anyway, I will see you, in the next chapter.


Summer Break [A Markiplier Fanfiction] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now