Almond Joy

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Almondjoy37

While I was writing in my journal, I was left to my own thoughts. Guilt. That was one of the things I was feeling. Kylie was hurting, and I couldn't stop feeling as though I could have been there sooner. Alma puts her hand on my shoulder and texts me, so we wouldn't draw attention.

A=Almond C=Charcoal (My nickname is charcoal..)

A: Hey are you okay? You don't look so well..

C: uhm yeah, I'm okay.

A: No lies.

C: Yeah, I'm not okayy.. (MCR REFERENCE)

A: What's the matter, Charcoal?

C: Me..


C: It's true.




C: Fine, I am not a trash can, but I am a trash bag.

A: You lie. You the best!

C: Fine.. but-

Someone called my name, so when I got scared, I jumped, and when I jumped, I hit send. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE.

I look up to see a doctor in so scrubs.

"Ms. Williams? You are able to see Ms. Lewis now." The nurse said.

I get up, as well as all of Kylie and I's friends, and follow the nurse to Kylie's room. When we get to the door, the nurse stops and tells us to be quiet. I nod, and reach for the handle. Before I can touch the knob, I have thoughts of doubt, and I step back from the door. Alma comes over by me,   and ushers the others in the room, and sits with me in the hall.

"What's the matter, Bestie?" Alma asks.

"Nothing... I-I just can't face Kylie right now." I say, sighing.

"Okay!" Alma gets up and leaves.

(JUST KIDDING, Alma would never, [hopefully], do that to me.)

"Why? I know that she would want to see you." Alma states, smiling at me.

"I feel like, if I would have visited her, like she wanted me to, I could have helped her more. I could have seen her for longer than five minutes before the surgery." I say.

Alma looks over at me and glares, before speaking.

"Charity! You couldn't have done anything! It's not like you pushed her off a cliff! It's not even your fault. Now let's go see Kylie!" Alma gets up, and offers me a hand. I grab it, and I get up, we walk up to the door, and open the door.

I Walk in and see Kylie and Mark conversing, until Alma comes in and shuts the door.

"Alma, Charity!" Kylie says in a small voice.

A/N: Hey guys! So after so much time, I have updated! Sorry that it is so short, but I needed to put a chappie up... Love you guys! BUH-BYE!!

Summer Break [A Markiplier Fanfiction] EDITINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें