12| Buddy system

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(This was the first chapter for my other book but i thought it sounded better as an imagine with maybe a few parts instead of a full on story but if this is your first time reading then ignore this message lol)

It was a cold, gloomy saturday and the rain was pouring , I stood outside of the school surrounded by a few obnoxious classmates waiting for the bus driver to pick us all up. We had a class trip today it was mandatory for most of us because we were either failing or in danger of failing. As much as i hoped my friends would show up they didn't, but of course they wouldn't who would want to spend their Saturday on a school trip.

The driver beeped his horn and opened the doors for us to come in. I walk up to the rusty school bus and instantly head for the back. The seats were ripped and there was gum stuck to most of them. I hate school busses.

Around me all I hear are girls laughing and the occasional shout from the boys, followed by the teacher to quiet down. I place in my headphones in to have some peace and stare out of the window. The rain was pouring so hard I could barely see anything so I decide to take a nap. I put my hood on and bring my knees to my chest ready to sleep when I am interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

"Y/n" he drags out my name.

I take one earbud out and look up at the lightskinned freckled boy leaning over the seat in front of me and exhale deeply.

"Look you gotta talk to me someday"

I really don't, I think as I shrug my shoulders and look back at my phone. He sits down next to me and snatches my phone away.

"Really Keith" I reach up for my phone.

"Oh she speaks" he chuckles as he stands up raising his arm higher.

He stands at about 6'2 which was way taller than me. Lucky for me we were on a bus so I had the seats to my advantage. I quickly stood up on the seat finally matching his height and snatched my phone away from him. In the midst of the situation I didn't realize how close we actually were. We stared into each others eyes in complete silence , As much as he annoyed me those brown eyes got me every time. I stood there with my face only inches from his almost forgetting why i wasn't talking to him in the first place then the teacher snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sit down" she yells back at us.

Keith helps me down from off of the seat and we sit together in awkward silence for the rest of the ride.


(I haven't been to an aquarium since i was like 7 so i don't remember how they are set up bare with me lol)

Its looks as if the rain has cleared up a bit , there's only a light drizzle but the sun was still hiding. When we arrive at the aquarium we were given a packet that we had to fill out about the marine life and such. Our teacher explains that this was worth 150 points and could bring our grades up significantly , She then assigns us into partners and of course as fate would have it I was with Keith. I didn't understand why we needed this buddy system anyway we're seniors not third graders.

Once we get inside we were greeted with cold aquatic air , our class then splits off into different directions with their partners , Keith and I head down the one of the hallways the first thing we see which is a glowing tank filled with all sorts of beautiful multi-colored fish.

"Found him" He points to a clownfish trying to lighten the mood.

I let out a small laugh. I click my pen and begin writing down notes of what i see.

We walk to the next hallway which is pretty dark but full of glowing Jellyfish.

"Oh look it's you" i point to the long circular tank.

"How" He questions.

"You know they're nice to look at but you can't get too close or you might get hurt" I say staring at the jellyfish.

"I wouldn't hurt you though" he winks

I roll my eyes and walk over to the bench underneath the large dome shaped tank.

"they're beautiful huh" i say to him looking at the fish swimming around and above us.

"Yeah just like you" he looks up.

"You say that to every girl"

"Nah just you, even though you stay playing games" he admits truthfully.

"Im playing games? How many little girlfriends have you had this year?"

"They weren't girlfriends it was just sex" he says

"Exactly so if that's all you want then you're wasting your time"

I get up and walk into the next room. Keith follows me in.

"Come on Y/n you know it's more than that with you"

"Is it?"...

(Tbc. Thoughts?)

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