Chapter 8: Next morning

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I slowly opened my eyes and groaned at the pain that instantly hit my head. Light peaked in through the windows which hurt my eyes. A lot.

I was in a bed. But I wasn't alone. Someone else was in the bed with me. Oh fuck please done tell me I've... uhhhh. I've never done it before and I kinda wanted to do with it someone I actually liked not some random hook up and then it doesn't actually mean anything. I turned my head and I looked beside me. Oliver. It was fucking Oliver. You have to be mother fucking kidding me.


"I'll be your first I promise" he whispered into my ear and smiled.

"Stop having these flashbacks Ruby!" I said slapping myself round the face. I looked over across the room and Jordan was led on the floor. Oh shit I forgot about him being here. "Jordan" I whispered. He lifted his head up and smiled. "Oh he--

"Shh shut the fuck up" I whispered. I slowly got out the bed trying not to wake Oliver up. What confused me is that I was still in my clothes. My dress wasn't removed and neither was my underwear. I thought Oliver would've fucked me and just left me. I waved at Jordan as I left the room and he quietly creeped out.

"What happened last night?" I asked worriedly. "Well if your asking if you and Oli fucked, no you didn't. I slept in there with you and if you two did I would've gone mental" he laughed.

I felt relieved that I didn't fuck him.

"Oh thank fuck for that" I laughed.

"What the fuck?" Oliver yelled. I turned around and he was stood right behind me.

"Um how long have you been there?" I asked.

"Long enough to hear you say you were glad I didn't fuck you" he said slamming his bedroom door in my face.

Oh shit. "What's his problem? Yesterday he seemed pretty pissed off at Ashley inviting me" I said rolling my eyes.

"It's because he wanted to ask you himself" Jordan said scratching his head.

My eyes widened. "What?" I asked.

"Yeah it's true" Jordan said.

"That's why he was pissed off" I said.

"No shit Sherlock, now let's go and find the others" he said.

I felt kinda bad about what I said but I've only known him for like what? About a day? He'll get over it.

I searched around the house for Tammy, Lucy, Hayley and Ashley. Tammy was gone and i didn't see her the whole entire time. I think she had some fun time with Jordan yah know what I mean. I opened the bathroom door and turned my head and saw Lucy asleep in the bath, hugging a bottle of vodka. I gotta capture this moment. I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I laughed and helped her out the bath. "Fuck off" she yelled still half asleep.

"Lucy it's time to go, you passed out in the bath" I laughed picking her up and helping her walk down the stairs. I found Ashley in the downstairs bedroom with a guy and they were both naked. "Ashley how many guys did you fuck last night?" I asked.

"I don't know but they were all pretty good, apart from one he smelt like curry" she laughed.

"You make me laugh" I chuckled.

"Well what can I say? I'm a hoe and I'm proud of it" she said putting her underwear on and I turned around waiting for her.

"I can tell" I laughed.

"You done?" I asked.

"Yep" she said putting her dress and boots back on.


We found Hayley and Tammy. Hayley was asleep on the floor and Tammy had fallen asleep outside in the garden on the grass. "My head is banging" Tammy groaned in pain.

"I know how you feel" I said groaning.

"Where's Kieran?" I asked.

We all looked at each other completely puzzled. We all didn't know where Kieran was. We all went looking for him. I opened the back door and went out into the garden with Lucy. "Here he is" Lucy yelled pointing at him. Kieran had fallen asleep in a fucking shed. The shed door was wide open and he was on the floor. I'm just wondering how he got from the upstairs bedroom to a fucking shed. Lucy slapped Kieran to wake him up. He groaned of course probably because of he's hungover.

Olivers house was pretty fucked. Well nothing was actually broken. There was just bottles, rubbish and clothes everywhere. I looked at myself in the mirror. I look a fucking mess. My eyeliner had come down from my eyes slightly, my hair was all ruffled and I had alcohol all down my dress. I think I was the only one at this party that didn't throw themselves at any guy. Well apart from Lucy and Kieran they're together and then Tammy and Jordan have a little thing. Oooooo.

"Let's get going?" Tammy asked as she held her head in pain. "Yeah let's" I said.


We were now in the car. Jordan refused a lift and decided to stay and clean up the house with Oliver. Lucy, Ashley and Hayley had fallen asleep. Kieran was driving. Me and Tammy were the only ones awake as well as Kieran of course.

"Thanks for the lift" I smiled at Kieran after he dropped me home. I grabbed my keys out my pocket and unlocked the front door.

"You look a mess" my dad laughed. "I was aware of that" I muttered, dragging myself up the stairs. My phone went off. I swiped across the screen, unlocking it.

Ashley<3: Meet us outside Lucy's house at 5pm. Bring me the horizon are coming as well.

Ugh that means Oliver will be there. Great.
I replied back telling her that was fine.

This is probably terrible^ sorry I couldn't update yesterday I was so busy! I had my first guitar lesson and it was so good omg! Ahhh. Anyway I should be updating soon maybe later or tomorrow.

Song for this chapter is "follow you" by bmth.

Byeeee cx

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