What YouTube Can do to a Couple

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~Melanie's POV~

Finally after three hours the house is finally clean. Usually it takes all day. Well, Ian's not going to be home for another two hours; now what? I look over at Noah, who was in the corner giggling in the baby swing. I smile and walk over. I sit on the ground in front of him. "Hi sweetheart" I say. "Having fun?" He smiles at me. He reaches his hands up at me; usually when he does this he wants his bear. I reach over and grab the bear from the coffee table. I gently give it him. "Here you go." He puts his little arms around it and tries to chew on the ear. "No, don't do that!" I say. I look closely at his mouth. "Oh I see the problem. Your third tooth is growing in more. Don't you worry." I get up and get his teething ring from his bag. I sit back down and give it to him. "Is that better?" I asked. He smiles at me. "You're adorable, you know that right?" He still smiles at me. These are the reasons why I'm happy I chose to be a stay-at-home mom. I love that I get to spend my day with this little one. I just wish I had a little side project to work on while I'm home all day. But I want it to be a new experience for me; something challenging that I can learn more about over time. "What do you think mommy should do?" I asked Noah. Suddenly my phone starts exploding with notifications. I reach over to the coffee table and grab my phone. All of the notifications are from Instagram and twitter. I forgot I posted a picture of Noah in the swing earlier today. I checked the comments on the picture. All of them were so nice. I got comments like, "AWWWW!!", "I can't handle the cuteness in this", "can you and Ian be my parents?", and so many more. I scrolled through more to find one comment that stood out to me for some reason. It said, "I love you guys Mel! Please consider making vlogs, we all love you and want to see more!" Suddenly more and more comments were replying to that person saying that they agree, and they all begged me to make vlogs. Maybe those people are right. I've been told to start a YouTube channel so many times before; I've just been afraid to. Maybe I should, after all its 2014, it's a new year, why not? I could vlog, do tags and challenge videos; this is going to be great! "What do you think? Should mommy make a YouTube channel?" I asked him again. He smiled at me. "I guess that's a yes." Suddenly the door opens. I smile as I see Ian.

"Hi girl!" He says to Daisy. He walks over to us. "Hey babe"

"Hey! You're home early." I say.

He bends down and kisses me then sits down next to me. "We finished early today. Now I get to spend some time with my two favorite people. So, what have you two been up to?"

"Um, nothing much actually."

"Well, I'm here now; it must have gotten better for you."

"Not really."

"Who asked for your opinion anyway?" He asked jokingly. I giggle as he put his arm around my neck.

"So, I want to talk to you about something."

"What? You're not pregnant are you?" He asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

"No! No I'm not pregnant!" I laugh.

"Thank god!" He sighs.

"Are you implying that I've gained weight?" I joked.

"No, no, no! You are very beautiful and very sexy. We just don't need another one of those." He points to Noah.

"That's true!" I laugh. "Anyway, I've been thinking about things and well." I pause. "I want to make a YouTube channel."

His face went blank. "Um, uh, I don't know what to say." He says.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun! I'll vlog, do a few challenges and tags, maybe a few hauls." I say, trying to reassure him.

"I don't know babe."

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