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Name: Moriko Uchimo
Age: 12
Looks: Midnight blue hair that goes to the middle of her back. Usually wears it up in a pony or braided. Also has two white strands on each side of her face. Purple eyes.
Clothing: black combat boots, black knee high socks, black shorts, a teal tank top, and a red hoodie.
Weapon: daggers are her preferred weapon. Otherwise she uses hand to hand.
Likes: annoying people, dangos, Carmel, animals, Aki and Reo.
Dislikes: liars, people who underestimate her, the colors pink, yellow, orange, gray, and brown; and super sweet candy, anything girly.
About: Moriko is actually quite innocent and sometimes she can be clueless. She usually doesnt think through things since she just wants to go with the flow. If any one she cares about gets hurt she'll easily lose her temper. She also has no memory of before she was found when she was ten. Moriko was the only name she liked when they asked her to choose one.

Name:  Aki Uchimo
Age: 13
Looks:  red hair, green eyes and a nose piercing.
Clothing: black jacket, black skinny jeans and white converses. Always has headphones.
Likes: music, quiet, the stars, his twin Reo, and Moriko
Dislikes:  people who can't take a hint, any one who hurts Akira or his twin, and any light colors
Weapon: his twin sword, Reo has the other one
About: Aki is usually the quiet one out of the two even though he was energetic when he was younger. He always listens to music when his emotions start going haywire. He's very protective of Moriko and tends to have a personality change if someone means to harm her. But he's usually calm and is the brains.

Name: Reo Uchimo
Age: 13
Looks: red hair. Green eyes and a lip pierce
Clothing: blue hoodie, black skinny jeans and black converses
Likes: His twin Aki, Moriko, fighting, wolves, his sword, sweets, ramen
Dislikes: light colors, anyone who harms Moriko or aki, spicy food, sour candy.
Weapons: his sword that's a twin with the one Aki has.
About: Reo likes to speak his mind even if it could kill him. When it comes to Moriko he tends to get very over protective and is always on guard just like his brother. But he tends to go a little over board when it comes to trying to keep her safe.

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