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"What?" Rhea says as she sits down with baby Robin in her arms. "Yes that's what Lana Well Regina told me." She was just shaking her head trying to comprehend everything that I just told her. "So you're my mom?" I sigh. "It seems like it." She smiles. "It makes sense why we are friends and why I've had flashbacks of us." I nod and smile.

"And this little guy is my son?" I nod with tears in my eyes. She starts to cry and she hugs me. I hugged her so tightly. Even though I didn't 100% know this was true it felt so good to know that there's a possibility that I might have a family.

That's when someone knocks. "It's open," I say and Colin walked in. I smiled. "And he's my?" I nod. Colin walks up to us and smiles. "It seems that we are all a family." I had tears in my eyes. Could this possibly be the family that I had wished for?

Rhea smiles and hugs Colin. He gasps as but then hugs her almost as if he remembered that Rhea is his little girl. I walk up to them and he pulls me in. Now we are all hugging. This moment was beautiful and pure. I had longed for a moment like this since I could remember.

I was so happy. We all back away and smiled just enjoying this quiet moment between us. Robin starts to cry and Rhea is trying to calm him down. "So what now?" Rhea asks as she's rocking Robin. Colin and I stood there not knowing what to say.

"Well we have to find a way to remember everything and get you back on the throne." Rhea gasps. "What?" "Yes like I told you, you're the queen." She shakes her head. "Oh my God." Colin and I nod. "Well I came to tell you that Lana and her are going to be leaving for a trip in two days so we will have some time to sneak around her stuff and find more clues."

We both nod. "In the mean time I'll be getting back." I nod. "Take care Jen," he says and I nod. He gives me a smile and I smile back at him. He leaves the room and closes the door. Rhea smiles. "I can't believe this, the men we are in love with are our husbands and the reason we don't remember is because of Zelena." I sigh and nod.

"I have to tell Ian." "I don't know if that's appropriate right now." Rhea gives me a weird look. "He deserves to know." I nod. "I know but for now it's best just for us to know the least people know about this the better." She sighs and nods. "I'm sorry Rhea but I promise you we will get our lives back." She smiles and nods.

"I can't believe you're my mom." I smiled. "Me too." She smiles. "You finally got the family you always desired." I nod. "Now it's time I fight to get them all back." She nods. She leaned against me and I wrapped my arm around her. "We will get our lives back, I just know it mom." She says and hearing that made my heart soar.

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