Working Together

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I wake up and it's another routine day. It's been 3 weeks since I've had that dream and it seems like everything is just repetitive. I wake up go with Jennifer to take the breakfast to Zelena, take care of Robin, and the list goes on and on. I don't know why but I just felt like something was off.

It was about the middle of the afternoon and the palace was quiet. No big event was going on so it was normal for everything to be calm. I'm walking around the palace and I come across the old back entrance. I sit down and I don't know why but I felt so calm. Why do I feel like I'm missing something.

That's when I hear a bell ring, which meant it was time to serve lunch. I get up and walked to the kitchen and Jennifer was going crazy. "Rhea thank goodness you're here can you go find Ian and get milk from the cows and goats?" I nod. "I just need to serve Zelena." She starts to walk away and she comes back.

"Oh and Rhea?" I look up. "Yeah?" "After you come back can I leave you in charge?" I gave her a weird look. "I have to go run some errands into town." I nod. "Thanks you're the best." "You're welcome Jen." She walks away and I grab the basket with all the bottles.

I checked the rest of the kitchen to see if I needed to bring anything else like eggs and vegetables. I know I can go to the market to get them but the Queen deserves freshness so we have our garden and livestock. I then made my way to the stables and barn. I don't know why but I was nervous.

I make it there and I see Ian brushing one of the horses' hair. I cough. He looks at me then backs away and drops the brush. I giggle. He grabs the brush and laughs nervously. "Ian is it?" He smiles and nods. "Hi yeah um Jennifer usually grabs the milk and stuff. I was wondering if you can help me out?" He smiles. "I would be more than happy and it's Rhea right?"

I laugh and nod. "Yeah." He smiles. "Right this way." I smile and followed him to the barn. He was so cute he got nervous when he saw me. He isn't at all how Jen described him. We get to the barn and we walk up to the cow. He smiles as he pets the cow. "This here is Bessie, she is a sweet cow, aren't you Bessie?" He says and she moo's. I couldn't help but giggle.

He was so cute. He was so gentle and kind towards the animals, I just loved that. I wonder why it was him that I was holding in my dreams? But then again maybe it's because I might have a slight crush on him. I don't know but anyways he went to grab a stool and sat by the cow.

"Bring me one of the bottles." I nod and bring him one. He starts to milk the cow and quickly fills all the bottles. "You wanna try the goat?" I smile. "No it's ok." He smiles then pats Bessie. "Thank you, you did good girl." Bessie then moo's. I smile. He walks over to the goat and starts milking him.

Once he finished he cleans them up and places them in the basket. "Thanks Ian." He smiles and nods. "Is there anything else you need?" I nod. "Eggs and any vegetables that are ready to be picked." He nods. "I can help with the eggs if you like." I nod. "Thanks I will greatly appreciate it." He smiles.

I go and give him a basket and off he goes into the the small house where the chickens were at. I smile as I see him picking the eggs. I go and start to pick the vegetables. Once I finished picking them I placed them in the basket. That's when Ian goes and brings the basket to me. "Thanks Ian." He nods. "Need help bringing them in?" I smile and blush.

"If you don't mind." He smiles. "Not at all." We grabbed the baskets and walked inside. Once we placed the baskets on the table we wash or hands. "Thank you so much Ian." He nods. "You are very welcome Rhea." I smile and he smiles back. We stood there standing when Lana walks inside the kitchen.

"Good, Ian I was looking for you." Ian straightens himself and nods. "Yes Lana?" "Where's Jen, Rhea?" "She went to town and left me in charge." She nods. "Ok then I guess you'll do, her majesty won't like it but you will have to do Rhea." I gave her a weird look.

"Zelena wanted Jen and Ian to gather up all the livestock and prepare a grand feast because we will be having a ball in two days time." We both gasp. "So right now go and get your helpers and decorate the ball room." We stood there baffled. "When Jen comes back let her know about the food, so go right now and decorate." We nod.

We gather up some of the servants that weren't that busy and sent them to put up the decorations and take out all the silverware we had. Ian and I were working together and I honestly loved it. Everything was looking good, so I went to the side room to fix everything. This is where the guests of major importance stay at.

I was standing on top of the ladder fixing the top of the bookshelves. As I'm fixing it the ladder starts to move. Next thing you know I fall. I scream and next thing you know I land in someone's arms. "Rhea are you ok?" I look and I see Ian staring at me. My heart is pounding like crazy but as soon as I see Ian's eyes I calm down. I just couldn't help but be drawn to his eyes.

I nod. "I..." That's when I kiss him. As soon as he kisses me back I get like a flashback of him pointing at me with a gun and I'm sitting on a throne next to Jen. Then I see a small pool with a house by it. Then I see myself covered in blood. I back away and gasp. "Rhea..." I jump from his arms and I start to walk away. What the hell did I just see? That wasn't a part of my dream so what was that?

That's when Ian grabs my arm. "Rhea what.."  My eyes shot open. "Ian I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." He smiles. "It's ok, it was..." He says standing there breathless then blushes. "I promise it won't happen again." He shakes his head. "No it's ok." I smile. "I have to go look for Jen, I'll check on the servants in a bit." He nods.

I start to walk away and he calls out to me. I look back. "Yes Ian?" He smiles. "The kiss was amazing." I smile and blush then walked away. I was walking back to the kitchen those flashbacks I saw of him pointing the gun at me then of that house by a small lagoon like place left me baffled. Did I come up with that or were those memories? And what the heck was I doing sitting down at a throne and Jen standing next to me? Then me covered in blood?

I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. No they can't be anything, they're just little scenarios my mind made up when I kissed Ian and that's when it hit me. Oh my freaking gosh, I kissed Ian. I covered my face but then smiled like an idiot. I touched my lips and continued to smile. Then I remembered what he said.

He said the kiss was amazing. I was blushing like crazy. I started to wash the vegetables and was just smiling. Even if my mind made those scenarios up maybe I can make real ones with Ian. I mean who knows maybe this could be the start of something amazing between us. That's when I remembered I was in charge of the servants decorating the ball room so I made my way over to check on how they were doing.

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