Analyzing and Thinking

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I wake up and change and made my way downstairs. I get downstairs and I don't see Killian. I walk around my apartment and he's not around. "Killian?" I yell across the apartment. Nothing, he's gone. I look down at the coffee table and I see a note. "Emma you're right you don't deserve someone like me, a thief, a criminal, I'm sorry if my feelings have brought you discomfort, you deserve to be the best FBI agent out there and I will only hinder that. I wouldn't want you to get arrested or worse lose your job because of me. You were awesome and thank you so much. Your partner, Killian." I crumple up the paper. No this can't be; how could he leave like that? I know I was being somewhat mean but he just left. I  started to kick some stuff around because I was extremely pissed. No I can't lose him. There's nothing I could do but to prove his innocence so that's what I'm going to do. I grabbed my keys and went to the lab. I get to the lab and I went to see Jason. "Hey Jason." He smiles. "Good to see you Emma, what can I do for you?" "The blood spatter that was next to the body it was fresh wasn't it?" He nods. "Were you able to find out who's it was?" "It's in the computer, I'll print it out for you." I nod and smile. He walks up to his computer and prints out the paper. He hands me the paper and smiles. "Thank you." I walk out of the lab and I read the results. "Crap I don't get this." Khloe walks by and smiles. "Is there something I can help you with Emma?" I smile. "Yes I could never read these results can you read them to me?" She laughs. I hand her the paper. "Well first off you're reading them on the wrong side." I close my eyes and laugh. "Well let's see it seems that the blood results show that it was indeed Lola's blood the one that was next to the body." I nod. "Thank you." I started to walk to my car and I get a call. It was my sister she needs me to go and pick up my twin nieces from school. I get in and drive to the school. As I was driving I was thinking. So if there were no defensive wounds on Lola and she was strangled to death how was her blood 4 feet away from where she was burned at? That baffled me. After 20 minutes I get to the school and I wait for the girls to come out. The girls run to me and give me a huge hug. My twin nieces are the cutest, Anna and Anne are my life. I strap them in and we make our way to my house. They walk in and set their backpacks on the floor and sit down on the dinning table. "What are we having for dinner?" Anne asks with a huge smile on her face. I smile. "Well I ordered pizza and I have ice cream for later on when you finish your homework." They both squealed and smiled. Time passed by and they ate their pizza and were working on their homework. I just couldn't stop staring at them, they were so cute. Identical twins are so alike yet different at the same. That's when I gasp. That's it. Lola must have had a twin, that's the only logical explanation for the blood. Maybe she had an argument with her sister and it ended with the strangulation. The girls finished their homework and I gave them ice cream. After a while I put a movie on for them and once it finished they were sound asleep on the couch. I decided that now is the best time to call Angie and figure out if Lola does have a twin. "Hey sweetie." I smile. "Hey Angie, does Lola have a twin by any chance?" She gasps. "Why you asking?" I sigh. "I think the reason why we thought the blood was Lola's was because twin sisters carry the same DNA but what if the blood was her sister's?" She gasps. "I'll look into and let you know." "Thanks." I was about to hang up and she interrupts me. "So how'd it go with Killian?" I sigh. "He left Angie, when I got home he was asleep and in the morning when I walked downstairs, I see a note where he states why he left." She gasps. "I'm so sorry sweetie." I nod. "It's ok." "Ok then sweetie I will look into it and I'll call you when I get any news." "Thank you Angie." I hang up and that's when I hear the door bell. I go to open it and it's my sister. She walks in and I close the door behind her. "Did the girls behave?" I smile as I look at them. "Yes they did, they finished their homework so you don't have to worry about that." She smiles. "Thanks Emma, I'm sorry it's just that my boss didn't let me leave the office to go and pick them up." I shake my head. "Don't worry about it you know I'm always here for you sis." She smiles. "So how are you doing lil sis?" I give her a weird look. "Why you wondering Janet?" She grabs my hand. "Come on Emma, it can't be all work for you." I smile and I try to hold back tears. "I guess love isn't for me sis." She shakes her head. "That's nonsense Emma, we all deserve to love and be loved." I nod. "Well there is someone but I guess I was too scared and he thought he wasn't enough for me and he left." She gasped. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" I sighed. "I didn't want to bug you; it's not like it was a big deal." She lifts her eyebrow and scoffs. "Do you like him?" I stayed quiet. "I do." "Then go find him." I shake my head. "No it's..." She gives me a huge punch on my arm. "Ouch." I say rubbing my arm. "What was that for? That freaking hurt." "You're all tough when you're out on the field but when it comes to love you act like a scaredy cat and a big fat chicken." "Hey!" She laughs. "You know it's true." I sigh and nod. She then hugs me. "If you think he's the one sis don't let him go." I nod. "Thanks sis." She pats my back and we let go. "Help me take the girls back to the car." I nod and help her with the girls. I walked back to the house and I clean up. After cleaning up I went to sit down and watch TV. I was just surfing through the channels and I see a commercial of a new exhibit of jewels and paintings. That's when Killian came into my mind. I'm pretty sure he went back to his old ways after this maybe I can find him there before the exhibit opens. "Exhibit opens at 10am." I hear the announcer say. I smile. I look at my watch and it's 12am. Perfect. I went and changed into more comfortable clothes and I went to the location. Everything was calm, I see the security guard walking around so I had to be quiet and slick. I entered the room and I see the wires from the cameras and security system were cut off so that meant Killian was indeed here. I make it to the last exhibit where the jewels were and waited for him to come. I sit on the chair and waited. After a couple of minutes, I see someone dressed in all black enter the room. He starts to put the jewels in the bag and I light my flashlight to him. He gasps and turns around. He takes off his mask and just stands there scared. He scoffs when he sees that it's me. "What the hell Emma, what are you doing here?" I smile. "I came looking for you." He scoffs. I get up and walk towards him. "Why? Now that you're back to being an agent you're brining me in?" I laugh. "Well I can take you in for trespassing and for theft but then again I trespassed too so I would have to arrest myself." He gives me a weird look. "I came back for you dummy." He scoffs. "You clearly said you don't want to be with someone who's a.." I interrupt him with a kiss. He groans and then gives in and kisses me back. I grab the back of his head and he grabs my waist as he's kissing me. We continue to kiss and that's when we see a flashlight shine and we drop to the floor. The security guard passes by and leaves. We laugh. "Come on, just leave everything and let's go have some fun." He sighs. "I can't leave everything; they won't find any evidence anyways." I give him a straight face. "This is my last robbery I promise." I scoff. "Fine but let's go before I get in trouble." He laughs and we both walk outside and we get into my car. I drive away and headed home. We finally get back home and he drops the bags. "I can't believe you nearly stole everything." "You know I'm a pro." I shake my head. I yawn. "You want coffee or whisky Killian?" He laughs. "Come on love seriously?" "Coffee it is." I laugh. I bring out two glasses with ice and bring out the bottle of whisky. I pour some and handed it to him. "Thanks." I nod. He raises his glass. "To us." I raise my glass and smile. "To us." We clinked our glasses and then drank. I looked at the clock and it was nearly 4am. No wonder I was tired. "I love you aunt Emma." Killian says as he reads a drawing that one of my nieces did. "Oh yeah I had my nieces here today." He nods. "It looks like they love you." I smile as I take another sip of my drink. "Well they're not the only ones." I give him a weird look. He walks up to me and starts to kiss my neck. "No Killian it's late we need to sleep." He laughs. I pull away from him and he starts to chase me around the apartment. We continue to play and I run up to my room and he chased me up there. I push him away and he runs up to me and we fall on the bed. He looks down at me and smiles. "You've been bad special agent Swan." I laugh. "Really how so mister Jones?" He kissed me on my neck. "You've been associating yourself with a criminal and trespassed on a private property and helped him steal some goods." I laugh. "So what will my punishment be mister Jones?" He smiles as he looks down at me. "Oh trust me the punishment will be very pleasant." I smile. He takes off his shirt and takes off mine. We start to kiss and boy did I enjoy his kisses. That's when I hear my phone go off. We stopped and I reach for my phone that was in my pocket. "It's Angie." He laughs. "I have to answer it." He nods. "Hey Angie." "Oh my gosh Emma I'm sorry it's super late, I didn't wake you up did I?" I smile and that's when Killian starts to kiss my neck and doesn't let me focus on what Angie is saying. "No no I'm wide awake, what's up?" Killian kisses me on the lips as I'm listening to Angie. "It seems that you were right, Lola does have a twin." I gasp. "No way?" Killian gives me a weird look and I smile. "I can prove your innocence." He smiles. "Emma who are you with?" I stayed quiet. "You're with Killian aren't you?" I laugh. "Hmm no wonder you were awake, ok then sweetie see you tomorrow." I laugh. "Thanks Angie, you're the best." I hang up. "What was that all about?" I smile. "I asked Angie to help me with something to prove your innocence and she found it." "We can talk about that tomorrow; weren't we busy doing something else?" I smile as he takes the phone away from me and places it on the night stand. "Oh yes I was being punished for being associated with a handsome criminal." He smiles at me then we continue to kiss.

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