Heart Break

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Killian and I arrive at the location as a team searched all around the outside of the building. The team then prepares themselves to go in. They break down the door and we all walk inside. We searched the abandoned building and we get to a cell and that's when a bunch of agents stand around a pool. "Co director, you need to come here." My heart stops when I hear that. Killian and I walk over to the pool. We see a body floating in the tank and the body was wearing the same clothes as Rhea was the night she was kidnapped. My heart broke. Killian pulled me into a hug and I covered my mouth trying to cover my scream. That's when I fell to the floor and I started to scream. The body was wearing the necklace that only proved that my baby was floating there dead. I was sobbing like crazy. I look up at Killian and he's just standing there stiff as can be. "My baby girl." I kept screaming and I could see all the other agents were quiet as can be. Killian shakes his head. "No that should be me floating there not my daughter, not my Rhea." He goes and punches a wall. I get up and I tried to hug him and he pushed me away. "I am to blame Emma, for our daughter's death." I shake my head. "Don't say that." He sighs. "Maybe it's not her, maybe they planted the body." I say trying to cup his face. He shakes his head. "Love she's wearing the exact same clothes and the necklace you gave her." I scoff. "Not until Angie gives me a facial reconstruction I will not ID her as my Rhea." Killian half smiles. I wipe my tears and fixed my face. "We will treat this as any other crime scene. Call the lab, bring the techs in. We need to take the body back to the lab." The agents nod. I go back and see the body floating there. I wanted to cry again but I had hope that this is not my Rhea. Minutes later the lab techs come. "Like I said we will treat this as any other crime scene. Give me details to identify her." Killian is just looking away. Brianna sighs and nods. "The victim is of Caucasian decent and according to the pelvic region, female." I nod. "Age?" "Mid to late teens." I close my eyes. Khloe and Jason sigh. "Jason when did she die?" He looks at some bugs that were floating in the water. "Almost 4 weeks ago." My heart sank. That's the same time Rhea got kidnapped. Killian was just mad. "Please take the body to the lab for further analysis, as of right now this case is priority we need to find out the identity and how she died." Everyone nods. "Emma." Khloe says as she reaches out to me and I pull away. "You know you can't..." "Don't you dare pull the card on me." She nods. "I'm sorry Khloe but please I can't be taken off this case." She nods and hugs me. They take everything in the truck and they drive to the lab. Everyone starts to leave and Killian and I stood there alone in the building. I tried to hug him and he walked away from me. "Please Killian don't do this to me now." He looks back. "What do you expect? Our daughter died and it's all my fault and..." He falls to his knees and starts to sob. That only made me burst into tears. "My baby didn't deserve to leave this world like that, I would have traded places with her in an instant." I go and hug him and he hugs me back. "I'm sorry Emma, I killed our daughter." I shake my head. "Please don't say that." He continues to cry and my does his cry and screams rip right through my heart and soul. We are sitting on the floor and he places his head on my chest and continues to cry. I caress his head. I know he was holding in his cry so I was happy that he was letting everything out. I was so heart broken. I just don't know how I'm going to tell Liam and Leia. No, until Angie does the facial reconstruction and confirms its Rhea I will not see the victim as my daughter. Killian gets up and dries his tears. He helps me up and he hugs me. "Let's go." I nod. We get in the car and we make our way to the lab. We walk on to the platform and await some results. "Anything new?" "The victim seemed to have suffered a break on her right ulna and carpals." I closed my eyes. "Rhea fell of her bike and broke her wrist." Brianna sighs. "The victim matches those injuries." I grabbed Killian's hand and he grasped tightly. "Check her shoulder blade, I have a weird hole of some sort on my right shoulder blade and my mom said it's hereditary so this means Rhea has it." Brianna nods. She cleans the bone area and sure enough the hole was there. Killian grabs his head. He walks up to me. "That's our daughter." I shake my head. "No, I don't accept it." Killian shakes me. "Emma our daughter is dead." I push him away. "No our daughter is not dead." I walk away and I walk into Angie's office. "Sweetie are you sure you want to be here?" I nod. The skull is on the computer and she starts to add all the features and sure enough Rhea's face pops up. Angie sighs. "Emma I'm sorry..." I put my hand up. "Look for her on CODIS." Angie nods. In a matter of seconds her ID pops out. "Rhea Marie Jones, 17 years old." I see her gorgeous face on the screen and I start to sob. "NOOOOOOO!" I screamed and I fall to the floor. "My baby is dead." Angie comes and hugs me and I just fell on her. Killian comes running in along with the rest of the team. "What happened?" Angie sighs and points at the computer. Killian looks up and he gasps. He grabs his head. "No." He says and stands there heartbroken. I'm just crying like crazy. "Angie she didn't deserve to die, she was at prom having fun, my baby died on the best night of her life." Angie nods. She hugs me and caresses my head. "How did she die?" We all look at Brianna. "Are you sure, you want to know?" Killian nods and I'm still crying. "She died from asphyxiation, it seems that she was strangled." Brianna says. Jason sighs. "From what I can see she had water in her lungs so I assume she was then left in the water to drown." Jason says as he looks down. My heart broke even more. Killian gets furious. "Are there any other injuries?" Brianna and  Jason shake their heads. Killian nods. "I will kill Jack when I see him, he's a dead man." I get up and I grab Killian. He pushes me away and I grab him. "No you can't go out like that, we need to go home and talk with the kids." He sighs and nods. "Thank you everyone for your help, continue to look and see if you can find any more clues." I look at Angie and she hugs me. "I'm sorry sweetie." I nod. We walk out of her office and we walk up to the lab. We stood there as we stared at the body. Killian grabbed my hand. He laughs while crying. "I clearly remember the night you told me you were pregnant with Rhea, you were so scared." I nod and half smile. "She was the best surprise; she came just in time to brighten up our lives." We both start to cry. "Killian our baby is gone." He nods. "I can't believe her last words to me were daddy please help me, she was so scared and look she's lying there dead because I couldn't save her." I shake my head and held a tight grip on his hand. "Don't torture yourself love." He shakes his head. "We will seek justice my love, I will find Jack and he will pay." I couldn't argue with him because I was in so much pain. Memories of her started to play in my mind. We both stood there in silence seeing a piece of our world, a piece of our heart was laying down on the table dead. It's horrible knowing that she will never smile or she won't be running around at home again. Killian hugs me. "Let's go love, I think it's time we tell the kids." I nod. We walk down and make our way to the car. We get in and we are both quiet as can be. I know the only thing Killian had on his mind was how to seek revenge on Jack while I was thinking of ways to tell the kids that their big sister is never coming home.

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