A Glimpse of Hope

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7 Months later
It's been several months since we've laid Rhea to rest and we are trying to get back to our routine life. And with that routine life means I have to do my job. I'm trying to give up the hope that my little one is alive but I can't seem to drop it. I just have this feeling. I guess I can't accept she's gone. Anyways I'm sitting at the dinning table going over some cases when Killian walks in. "Were the kids ok when you dropped them off at school?" He sighs. "Yeah well Liam still isn't speaking and well Leia is being Leia." I sigh. He walks over to me and smiles. "Hey about we go and do something, now that the kids are at school." I continue to write as he says this then he gives me a smirk. "Like what?" He starts to kiss my neck. "Oh God Killian aren't we too old for that." He chuckles. "Really Emma you're saying it as if we are like in our 60's and we are not that old." I laugh. "Come on, ever since Rhea's disappearance we haven't spent any time you know together." I sigh. "I'm sorry I guess I haven't been in the mood." He nods and sighs. "I know love, I'm sorry." I half smile. I close the files and glance over at him. "I think it's time we do have some fun, just me and you." He smiles. He picks me up and we go up to the bedroom. He places me on the bed and starts to kiss me. "It's been forever since we've done this." I nod as I kiss him. He then caresses my face with his nose and I smile and blush. "I love you." "I love you too Killian." Time passes by and Killian and I are laying there on the bed embraced in each other's arms. "Now that was amazing Killian, I sure missed this." He glances down at me and laughs. "Why is it that I can never beat you mister Jones?" I say and he chuckles. "Just when you think you're dominating me I beat you my love, I make you mine." I scoff. "Not true." He laughs. "So you just melt into my arms to let me win Mrs Jones?" I laugh and give him a kiss. "Well you do drive me crazy Killian." He gives me a huge smirk. "I know your weak spots Emma that's why." I scoff. "I know yours too." He laughs. I start to kiss the back of his neck and he closes his eyes and smiles. "Alright I guess you know some of mine too." I laugh. "I love you Killian." He smiles and gives me a kiss. "I love you too." I laid my head on his chest and placed my hand on his chest and started to doodle nonsense. He then wrapped his arm around me. I kiss his chest then placed my hand on top of his chest again. He smiles and kisses my head. He then looks at one of my rings and sighs. "Just like Rhea's." I nod. I stare at my ring and I gasp. I sit up. "Killian, the ring!" He gets up and gives me a weird look. "What about it?" "Remember the ring we gave Rhea, the one with the GPS tracker in it?" He nods. "That wasn't in the evidence, that wasn't on the body." He sighs. "What if Rhea still has it on, maybe we can find her." Killian half smiles. "Emma please this is hurting you even more, I don't want you to get your hopes up." I give him a weird look. "You don't care about Rhea?" I say and scoff. He shakes his head. "No of course I do but this is only hurting you my love." I sigh. "I'm hurting a lot and knowing that I can't get my revenge sucks but I don't want to lose time chasing after dead end leads when I could be at home comforting my kids and my love." I sigh as he laid back down. I laid back down and he kisses me. I smile and nod. He smiles. "One more round Emma?" I shake my head and sit on top of him. "You're going to lose Mister Killian Jones." He laughs as he caresses my thighs. "We shall see." He says with a smirk. I smiled and leaned down and we start to kiss. Time passes by and Killian is taking a shower and I'm getting dressed. I couldn't help but think of the ring. I take out my laptop and I open the GPS tracker website. I look it up and it's giving a signal. I gasp. I try to locate it and I'm shocked when I see the location. Killian comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He comes over and starts to kiss my neck. "Did you have fun love?" I nod. He stares at the laptop and sighs. "Emma what did I tell you?" I smile. "She's alive." He sighs. "Just because it's giving a signal doesn't mean she's alive, what if it fell and someone else is wearing the ring?" I give him a straight face. "Look at the location." He sits down and gasps. "Who do we know from there?" He covers his face. "My mother." Hey says then scratches the back of his neck. I get up and I'm furious. "Do you think she planned Rhea's fake death?" Killian shakes his head. "She wouldn't stoop that low to get Rhea to be with her." He sighs. "Killian please we have to find out." I start to type and Killian stops me. "Emma..." I stayed quiet. "If this leads to another dead end, you promise no more searching for evidence." I sigh. "Love I'm not doing it because I don't want to find Rhea but because I don't want to see you hurt and living with the hope that she's alive." He gives me a kiss and I nod. "I guess it's time to go and see my mom again." I sigh and nod.

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