Too Good To Be True

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I start to open my eyes as I feel the sun shine on my face. I get up and I quickly get dressed. I was so happy that I couldn't contain my joy. Colin and I kissed yesterday, and he assured to me that we will be together forever. I start to fix my hair and I look over at Rhea and she's giving me a weird look.

"You're awfully chipper, what's wrong?" I laugh. "Nothing." She laughs. "No there's a reason why you're all happy, you have that dumb smile on your face tell me." I smile. "Ok but shhh, don't tell anyone ok?" Rhea nods. "I kissed Colin last night." She gasps. "When?" I laugh. "After you went to sleep." She gasps and nudges me.

"How did it happen?" I smile. As I was about to explain it to her, we hear bells ring which meant it was time for breakfast. "I'll tell you later." As we are walking to the kitchen she stops me and gives me a hug. "What was that for?" She smiles. "Im so happy for you." I smiled and hugged her back. "Thanks."

We do all of our daily routine and let me tell you I was one happy maid. I was just full of sunshine and I loved it. It was so much better being filled with love and hope then with darkness and bitterness. I was so happy honestly nothing could ruin it.

As I was walking to the stables, I bump into Lana. She gives me a dirty look. "Watch where you're going maid." She says and I stood there frightened. Did he already tell her he's leaving her? My mind was going crazy. "You're just going to stand there quietly huh Jen?" I walked away and ran back to the kitchen.

Ok I think it's best I stay in my work station all day, besides when night time comes I'll be in the arms of the man I love. Honestly that's what's keeping me going. Rhea was sent to take care of the prince all day so there was no way I could talk to her but it's ok, tonight I will be able to tell her everything.

Our meeting Time came and Colin was no where to be found. I started to worry. I didn't want to doubt, or bring my hopes down. Minutes passed by and nothing. I was starting to get sad. Had he lied to me? Did Lana find out and did something to him? My mind was going crazy thinking of every possible scenario as to why he wasn't showing up.

I look towards the backyard of the palace and I see him walking. I run up to him and kissed him. He then pushes me away. "Who the hell are you maid to kiss me like that?" I gave him a hurt and confused look. "Colin, it's me Jen." He scoffs. "I don't know any Jen." I gave him a baffled look. "Ok Colin, enough with the jokes, so what did Lana say when you told her you were leaving her?" He chuckles.

"Why would I do that?" My heart broke. "But you told me last night that you would." "Why on earth would I tell a maid that?" I start to cry. "Colin, what's wrong? This isn't you." I say trying to reach for his face. He grabs my arm and pushes me to the ground.

"Touch me like that again or try to kiss me like that again, I'll have you locked up for seducing the captain of the guards." I gasp. "Colin, you're hurting me with your words, I thought you loved me?" He laughs so hard it hurt. "Why would I, Captain of the royal guard be in love with a pathetic and lowlife maid." Those words tore my heart and soul.

He kneels down next to me as tears are just rolling down my face. "You see little maid, you can keep dreaming on but I will never be with someone like you. Lana is the one who I love," he whispers to my ear. I give him a dirty look. "You're a monster Colin," I say and he gets up. He laughs and nods. "Now go to sleep, you have to wake up in 3 hours." I sat there and ignored him.

He grabs my arm and picks me up. "Let go of me," I scream out then I slap him. He stands back and chuckles. "So the maid thinks she can get away with hitting the captain of the guards, huh?" He grabs me and takes me down to the prison cells. He unlocks one of the cell rooms and throws me in there.

I fall and I scrape all of my arms and legs. "You will stay there until you learned your lesson, hopefully you know your place now Jennifer, you belong on the ground." He says and locks the cell gate. "Sweet dreams princess," he says and walks away. I dust myself off and I check all my scrapes, I'm bleeding. I groan from the burn of the scrapes then I start crying like crazy.

How could he have changed like this? This wasn't the Colin that I know, the one that kissed me so passionately last night. This was a totally different man. I put my knees up to my chest and started to rock myself. I tried to keep warm because the prison cell was cold. I leaned back against the wall and continued to cry. I guess I wasn't meant for love, he's right I am no one.

Colin's POV
"Excellent work Colin," Zelena says as she's waving her hand in front of me. I didn't understand why. She snaps her fingers and I come back to my senses. Where was I at? I thought I was back with Lana? How the hell did I get here?  "What happened your majesty?" She laughs. "No nothing, you just dozed off, you were feeling a bit under the weather." I gasp. I am so sorry your majesty," I say and she smiles. "It's ok." She nods.

"Do you remember anything of what happened a couple of hours ago?" I start to think and nothing. Everything was dark and my memories were a blur. "No I don't, may I be excused I think it's best I go to sleep, I'll have someone else be on watch." She nods. "Yes of course don't worry." I smile and bow.

I walk away extremely confused. I walk outside to the back entrance of the palace and sat down. Why did I feel like something was off, I know something's missing but what. That's when a name comes into my mind. Emma? Who is that? Just thinking about that name made my heart flutter. No image of her came into my mind. I shrugged and that's when the names Leía and Liam came to my mind.

What on earth? Who are them? I was just shaking my head. I was confused. I decided it was best to just go back to my room and get a good night's sleep.

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