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We get to the reading room and there were the king and queen or in this case my in laws. I stood there and reached out to say hello. Karen gasps. "You are to bow Emma not shake hands." I back away and nod. "I'm sorry your majesties." I say and bow. Killian's dad scoffs and his mom laughs. "It's ok sweetie, she's American she doesn't know our customs." Man did I feel like crap. "Well it's an honor to finally meet you." I say with a sweet smile. She scoffs and looks at me from head to toe. "Now I see why my son kept you hidden." I stood there baffled. Why were they so mean? I mean I am after all their daughter in law. She signals me to sit down and gives me a cup of tea. "So dear tell me what do you do in America?" I smile. "I'm the co director of the homicide division at the FBI." They sat there baffled. "You're a cop?" I nod. "Well sort of, we have more power I'm special agent Emma Swan-Jones and I'm in charge of assigning agents to investigate murders that occur within my jurisdiction in California." She gasps. "Our Killian had to pick someone who is so un lady like." "It's a very well respected job your majesty." She scoffs. "So what exactly do you do as co director?" I sigh. I just told her what I do. "Well before my job was to investigate murder cases and solve them and now I'm in charge of everything that has to do with the homicide division, so I do the hiring of agents, assigning cases, etc." She gasps. "Anyways how did you meet my son?" I cough. "Well..." Karen coughs and interrupts me. "Oh mom I forgot to tell you that Flora said hi and she's thankful for the invitation." She smiles. "Ah my dearest Flora, what a marvelous woman she is." I nod. I was hurt at the fact that I was trying to make myself worthy and nothing was working. "Now where's my grand daughter?" She looks around. "She was asleep and the maids took her away." She nods. "Daisy go bring my Rhea." Daisy nods and walks away. I look at the king and he does not take his eyes off of me and is constantly giving me the stink eye. I get it that they don't like me but gosh could they not make it so obvious. Rhea walks in and runs up to me. "Mommy I found you." I smiled as I hugged her. "I'm here sweetie." She smiles. "Look Rhea this is your grandmother Clara and your grandfather Brennan, they're daddy's mommy and daddy." She nods. "Go and give them a hug." She goes and gives them a hug and runs back to me. "Mommy I miss daddy when is he coming home?" I try to shush her. "What do you mean coming home Emma?" "He left to do some training." She gasps. "For what?" I smile. "He's actually my partner at the FBI." His dad gasps. "So you're the one who influenced my son to not take his rightful place as ruler of this glorious estate?" I shake my head. "I'm sorry your majesty I didn't know him back then I just knew him..." The Queen raises her hand. "Now Brennan you're scaring Rhea." The queen smiles. "My she looks like my Killian and she even has those amazing blue eyes and glorious black hair." I nod. "She's so beautiful." She nods. "Thank the Lord she looks like her father." I give her a weird look. Even though I'm a really tough person this woman was making me feel like crap but I will not let her get the best of me. "Mommy can we go out to play?" "Um sweetie I don't think..." "Who are you to deny my grand daughter the right to play outside?" She says and I scoff. "I'm sorry your majesty but I am her mother and just like you said I'm an American I don't know your customs and I didn't know if it was ok for her to play because back at my house she is free to play whenever she wants." Everyone gasps. There's an eerie silence throughout the whole room. "Luke escort Emma and Rhea to the play area in the back part of the palace." I bow and I walk out with Rhea in my arms. We walk outside and there's a huge playground for Rhea to play and boy was she loving it. I sit down and I want to cry. I get my phone and I call Janet. "Hey sis." "Emma how's it going, how are Killian's parents treating you?" I stayed quiet and I start to sniffle. "Emma have you been crying?" "They don't like me Janet." She gasps. "Ok do you know the king and queen of Birmingham?" "Yea isn't like the queen named Clara?" I sigh. "Well yeah that's Killian's mother." She gasps. "What the hell you married a prince from Britain?" I sigh. "Yes and boy do they hate me." She scoffs. "How dare that stupid queen make my sister feel like crap." I laugh. "I tried to be as polite and everything but she kept insulting me." She gasps. "Does Killian know you're there?" "No he doesn't, and I really want him here. He was right his parents are awful." She sighs. "I'm really sorry sis." I sigh. "It's ok anyways I'm just here for a week and I'll be back." "Ok then sis talk to you later and don't let that old hag get to you." I laugh. "Love you." "Love you too, take care." I hang up. "Tough day?" I look at this woman. I nod. "Yeah tough life." She laughs. "I'm Lacy, nice to meet you your highness." "Oh please don't call me that I am no such thing just call me Emma." She smiles. "You're not British are you?" I shake my head. "No I'm American." She nods. "Yeah I could tell." I smile. "You're not one either huh?" She nods. "I'm from Canada." My eyes shot open. "How are you here?" She sighs. "My mom is from here but I was born in Canada and she got deported back and well here we are." I sigh. "I'm sorry." She smiles. "No I mean my mom is the head cook and I work the gardens so it's all good." I nod. "So how were you able to capture the dearest prince's heart?" I laugh. "He's not a prince." She laughs. "You're right he never liked being a prince." I give her a weird look. "I was Killian's friend back when he used to live at the palace, I was actually the one who helped him escape to the states." I gasp. "So what you wanted to be rich and you married him?" I shook my head. "I didn't know he was a prince when I met him he was a jewel thief." She laughs. "What?" I nod. "Yeah I'm an agent of the FBI and I was ordered to capture him but in the midst of things we fell for each other." She smiles. "Wow I can't believe he never mentioned this?" I shake my head. "Nope he never did, he didn't like talking about his family and since I didn't have parents growing up it was easy to just go on with life you know without talking about them." She nods. "Well I'm happy to know that Killian is happy but where is he?" "He's up north well he's back in California doing some training and he doesn't know I'm here so I don't know how he will take the news." She gasps. "He won't like it huh?" I nod. "Your majesty your presence is required at the dinning hall." I hear Daisy say and I sigh. "I regret coming here." Lacy laughs. "It's not so bad once you get used to it." I smile. "Thanks Lacy." She nods and waves. I call Rhea over and we make our way to the dinning hall. "It is of bad manners to be late to dinner Emma." The queen says and I nod. "I'm sorry I just got caught up with Rhea." "Daisy take Rhea and give her a bath and feed her." I give her a weird look. "She's not going to eat with us?" She laughs. "Heavens no, maybe when she's about 9 she can join us." My heart broke when they took her away. Killian, Rhea and I would always eat dinner together well when we were both dinning in. I nod. I was not happy. Now I understand why Killian didn't like this life. I miss my life back in the states. I need to go back home. Dinner ends and we are all in the drawing room as they call it. "Your majesty I am so happy that Rhea and I were able to come visit you but I think it's time to go back home." She laughs. "You can't go home not when there's is still so much to do." I give her a weird look. "I am going to present my dear grand daughter to everyone next week." I gasp. This was horrible news indeed. "You can't do that." "She's my granddaughter." I scoff. "She's my daughter." She laughs. "Sweetie your last name isn't valid here, your marriage isn't valid here, from now on Rhea will not be named Jones but Cunningham which is a worthy name for a future queen." I sigh. Killian was right. These people are horrible I mean I get that they're family but gosh. After a while we are dismissed and I was able to go to my room. It's around 1 am and I'm just sitting on the bed mad and missing my home. I've been trying to call Killian but for some odd reason the call doesn't go through. I miss him so much and these stupid people aren't letting me be with my Rhea. As my mind wanders I hear the door open. Rhea walks in and runs to the bed. "Mommy I don't want to sleep in that big scary room." I smile. "It's ok sweetie you can sleep with mommy." She smiles and lays next to me. I cover her with the blanket and after a few minutes she falls asleep. I looked at the ceiling and I just wanted Killian to come and save me. I don't know why I was letting all this get to me. I am an agent of the FB freaking I. And I'm letting this queen get the best of me but then again she's my mother in law. I hugged Rhea and thought that it was best if I just went to sleep.

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