Meeting the "Rightful Queen"

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Even though I don't know Regina personally she will get a piece of my mind. She wanted my daughter dead so that means she is my enemy now. Killian wants to go talk to her but doesn't want to leave Rhea alone. We decided to all go together but she will be staying in the car with her guards while we go inside.

We get to the house and it's a mansion. It looks homey but it doesn't compare to our home so I see why Regina wants to take over the throne. "Be careful sweetie." I say as I kiss Rhea on the forehead. She nods. "Yes stay here sweetie, even though the surroundings look beautiful stay here Rhea." Killian says and Rhea nods. "You two be careful and I hope you can resolve this conflict." Rhea says and we both nod.

We get out of the car and we walked up to the door. "Welcome your majesties." The man who greeted us says and bows. We nod. "Is Regina Mills here?" He nods. "Yes lady Regina is in the drawing room." We nod as he escorts us to the drawing room. "Lady Regina, her majesties Emma and Killian are here to see you." "Oh splendid let them in." He nods. And he escorts us in.

"Killian, my my, look how big you've gotten the last time I saw you was when we were kids." Regina says and Killian scoffs. I look at this woman and she looks so sophisticated. The way she just stood there and looked at me gave me chills. I didn't care how intimidating she may look, she will pay for threatening my daughter's life. "So this is the famous Emma I'm always hearing about?" She says as she looks at me from head to toe. I give her a death glare and she chuckles. "Ok Regina enough with the act, I know you sent your son Tyler to kill my daughter." She gasps. "I would do no such thing Killian." Killian chuckles. "Regina I know perfectly well that your mother wanted revenge for my father leaving her and marrying my mother."

She chuckles. "No all I did was send my son to give her a warm welcome, Mills style." Killian scoffs. "Why don't you just admit that you sent your son to kill my daughter." Regina grabs a glass of wine and gives it to me. "Why isn't your wife talking, wasn't she an FBI agent?" I stayed quiet as I held the glass. "What just because you got shot you don't talk?" I scoff. "I don't want to waste my time with you." I said as I placed the glass down. "So what just because you became a royal you think you're better than me?" I scoff.

"How about we just sit down and eat something just so you know that I don't want to hurt your daughter." I squint my eyes. She escorted us to her little diner. We sat there and it was really awkward. I could totally tell that Regina was hiding something. She was way too kind and I know she's lying. "So Regina, tell me where's your son?" She smiles. "Oh he's around, you know being Tyler." Killian scoffs.

"Thanks for the food Regina but we came her for some serious business, if you or your son hurt my Rhea or Emma, I will kill you myself." She scoffs. "Oh come on Killian, why don't we make a deal?" I scoff. "How about Tyler stays at your place to see that he's not a bad person and then the people will see that there is no threat." I laugh. "Never in a million years will I let that man in my house." Regina rolls her eyes.

Killian then comes up to me. "This might work, if he tries anything, then we can get rid of them for good." Killian whispers to me. I sigh. "I don't know Killian." I whisper back to him. He gave me a reassuring smile. I nod. "Ok fine." I say. She smiles. "I'm sure it will be nice, and we can leave all the bitterness behind." Regina says. Killian and I nod.

"Ok then tomorrow we will welcome your son." She nods. "Can't wait." We smile. "Well Regina I'm glad that we were able to resolve this without going to extremes." She smiles. "Me too." Killian and I walk out of the diner and head out to the car.

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