Extremely Confused

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Earlier that day
"Wake up." I hear as someone hits the bars of the cell. I groan and gasp. I touch my neck as I look around. I sigh in relief, I thought I had died last night. The last thing I remember was being strangled, as I was trying to figure out what exactly happened the man throws some clothes at me and interrupts my thoughts. I look at my arm and it's wrapped. Did they take blood from me? "Hurry it up princess." I scoff. I put on a black shirt and jeans. I fold the dress and he shakes his head. "Leave the dress, everything that you have on even the jewelry." I touch my snowflake necklace. "My mother gave this to me." "Did I freaking stutter?" I jump. I take it off and leave it on the bed but I leave the ring that my parents gave me on my finger without him noticing. He grabs my hands and ties me up. "Please not again." I scream. He then injects something into my arm and I pass out.

Jack's POV
"It is done my queen." "Very good Polanski." I nod. "Bring her to me and leave the body where I told you." "Wouldn't Killian and Emma find out that the body isn't Rhea?" "Hush now don't you want revenge for your daughter's death?" I nod. "Then do as you are told and I will pay you." "Fine." "The plane will be at the hanger at 7, I will be on the plane." "Thank you I shall see you later." I hang up. I grab Rhea and I place her in the back seat of my car. I put the gag on her and tied her feet as well. I open the trunk and I take out the body bag. I drop the bag close to the pool that was next to the cell. I put some gloves on and I open the bag and I take out the dead body. My it smelled horrible. I grab the clothes and I dressed her. I put the clip in her hair. I put the flower bracelet thing on her wrist. And lastly I put the one heel on. I throw her into the pool. I then pull the body and I put the necklace on her so when they come here that's the first thing they'll see. I get up and sure enough it looks like Rhea is the one floating there dead. I fold the body bag and I close the building. I put the bag in the trunk and I get in. I'm driving and I hear a groan. I get another syringe and I inject Rhea again. She knocks out. I get to the airport. I get there and I take Rhea out of the car. I see three guards standing in front of the Plane. I see the Queen walk down from the plane. "Thanks Polanski, I will be taking my grand daughter now." One of the guard's grabs Rhea and takes her inside the plane. The Queen then comes and gives me a check. "Thank you for your service." I nod. "Any time your highness." She then grabs my collar. "If you ever try to hurt my son you will hear from me." I nod. She puts her sunglasses on and smiles. "Good day." She says and I nod. She gets in the plane and I get in my car and drive away.

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