Terrible News

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I walked over to my room and just sat there pondering on my poor baby girl's situation. I mean I'm happy she's not a little girl but I can't help but wish she wasn't going through this. Well whatever the case may be I will never leave her, I thought I lost her once and I don't plan on losing her again. I will help her with her baby, I don't care if she's the queen she will always be my little one.

"Emma, are you sure Rhea was at the back entrance?" I overhear Wendy say as she interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and gave her a weird look. "Um sorry yea she told me she was going there." She stood there baffled. "Do you think she went off again?" I shook my head. "I doubt it especially in her condition." Wendy nods. "Well how about we go around the palace just wandering and see if we see her, wouldn't want to alarm anybody. Although I will let the head of security know." Wendy nods.

"We meet back here in 15 minutes." Wendy nods. I walk throughout the whole palace and there was no sign of her. I was starting to worry. I walked to the back entrance and sure enough it was empty. I look around the ground to see if there was any signs of a struggle.

I look at the ground and sure enough I see some marks on the ground that looked like someone was here then they got deeper as if they were carrying someone. I continue to look at the ground and I see something shiny. I gasp. It was Rhea's diamond bracelet. My heart starts to break, someone indeed take my baby.

I see Wendy walking up to me. "I can't find her..." My eyes start to tear up and she gasps. "Someone took her?" I nod. That's when Killian shows up. "Emma, Wendy what the hell is going on, I'm hearing a lot of commotion around the palace." He looks at me as I'm bursting into tears. "My love what happened?" I show him Rhea's bracelet. "Someone took her huh?" I nod.

Killian instantly became furious. He hugs me and kisses my head. "Don't worry Emma we will find her." I nod. He gets his phone out walks away furious as can be. "Wendy who could have taken her?" She shrugs. "I'm just worried she's pregnant and now kidnapped, this can't be happening." That's when we see someone approach the back entrance. I gasp at who I see.

Tyler's POV
I was going crazy in here. I think I've been here for weeks, damn it I've been in this hell hole for weeks! My mom is crazy, and I'm just praying that she doesn't hurt my Rhea. It honestly saddens me how much hatred she has in her heart. She just can't let go of the past and accept that vengeance isn't everything in life.

So I'm sitting there alone with my own thoughts when I take a close look at the lock of the cell. It was broken. Are you kidding me, was it honestly broken this whole time? No my mom is devious she planted this, she wants me to leave or did she actually forget to change the lock?

I was walking back and forth wondering what to do. I push the gate and it opens. I sighed and ran out as fast as I could. I walked out and was blinded by the brightness of Day. I had been locked in darkness for a long time that I forgot how it was to be out in pure daylight.

I'm on the floor still covering my face and waiting for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight. After a couple of minutes later I stood up and looked at my surroundings. Where the hell was I at? I ran inside the woods and quickly found my way. I was about a 15 minute walk from Rhea's palace. My mom would have me close to Rhea.

I walk over there but I am weak as can be. My mom sure likes to torture me. I haven't eaten in days and water well let's just say it hasn't been in my system for almost two weeks. I get there and I see a back entrance to the palace. I walk up to it and I see Emma.

I smile at the sight of her. Maybe I was just in time to warn them about my mother trying to kidnap Rhea. I get there and I smile when I see her. "Tyler?" She asks. I smiled and I fell to the ground. She gasps and runs to my side. "Tyler!" She screams and I completely pass out.

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