Betrayed and Afraid

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Four weeks later

It's been four weeks since I've seen Tyler. I haven't heard anything from him, not even a call, text or a freaking smoke signal. This wasn't like him. Even my parents grew concerned with his disappearance. My dad started to investigate but continued to come up empty handed.

Of course it's not like I can go and tell his mother that he's missing, what would that say about the security in my kingdom. With all this commotion it honestly made me feel like he just wanted one thing from me. Nothing else was making sense. The day after we sleep together he disappears, if that's not clear I don't know what is.

I was growing impatient with this whole subject but as queen I couldn't let that affect me. Today was a very busy day because there was a dispute going on between the neighboring countries and I was the only one who could step in to stop and with Tyler being gone, it didn't help my situation because I had to go and check on the orphanage. I left my mom in charge of overseeing the palace while I went to the orphanage.

I get there and I quickly tend to the more urgent matters. After that I walked into Tyler's office. I smiled and sighed. I was mad at this jerk, why did he leave like that? I thought he changed, I didn't think he would just disappear after we slept together. I was mad at myself for falling for his tricks. He's a man, that's all they want.

That's when I start to get nauseous. I grab the trash can and hurl like crazy. I clean my mouth and sat back. Man stressing about this idiot is making me sick that I threw up all of my food. I go and call Wendy. Wendy walks in and gasps at the sight of me. "Your majesty!" She exclaims. I half smile. "Don't stress out too much, can you get me something for the nausea and for dizziness." She nods and walks away.

Minutes pass by and she comes back with the medicine. "Here you go your majesty." She says as she hands me a glass of water and the pills. I drink them and sigh. "Thank you Wendy." She nods. "Your majesty, how about I call the doctor." I sit up. "No there's no need it's just stress." She nods and opens her calendar. "Well it might be that your period might be coming late due to all the stress." My eyes shot open.

"What?" She nods. "Yeah you're usually consistent but it seems that this month you're late, you should have gotten it three weeks ago." I gasp. Could it be? I sat back and groaned. "It might be due to all the stress of Tyler missing and the disputes between the neighboring countries huh?" I nod.

Then Wendy gives me a weird look. "Your majesty are you sure that's it?" I sigh. "Wendy, you are my friend and my confidant right?" She nods. "Of course your majesty you know your secrets are always safe with me." I smile. "I need you to go get me a pregnancy test without anyone noticing." She gasps.

"Your majesty do you think your pregnant?" I nod. "With who did you...?" She asks then smiles. "Tyler huh?" I looked down and nod. She closes her book and sighs. "Well your majesty your lucky that here we have pregnancy tests in the infirmary for the older girls. I will bring one without anyone noticing and figure out if your indeed pregnant." I nod. "Thanks Wendy." She nods and walks out.

I was going crazy. I can't be pregnant, what will people say. A queen having a child out of wed lock and the father not being there will not look good. I'm praying to God that I'm not carrying a child. How can I face other kingdoms and have them respect me when I'm pregnant. I didn't think it could happen I mean it was my first time. That's when I sigh. Well we didn't use protection. Gosh I'm so stupid.

That's when Wendy walks in. "Did anyone see you?" She shakes her head. "No one was at the infirmary and I grabbed two you know to be sure." I nod. "Ok I'll go to the bathroom, wait for me out here and please lock the door." Wendy nods and goes to lock the door as I walk into the bathroom.

I took both tests and came out. I place them on the desk and wait for the results. I sat down and Wendy sat down in the chair next to me. "Wendy I'm screwed if they come out positive." She half smiles. "Don't say that your majesty, a child is a blessing from God." I sigh. "I know but I'm a queen, what will the people say, as it is it was hard to gain their respect and now how can I stand my ground with a child out of wedlock." She sighs.

Minutes pass by and Wendy goes to check the tests. I close my eyes and sigh. "Wendy what do they say?" She stays quiet. I open my eyes and look at her. "Your majesty you're going to be a mother." I gasp. I walk up to them and sure enough they both had a plus sign. I sat down and I legit wanted to cry.

"Wendy I'm done." She half smiles. "No you are a strong and independent woman Rhea this is not going to make you weak, instead you can prove to the other kingdoms that yes even though this happened it won't stop you from being the best damn ruler out there." I couldn't help but cry. "Oh Wendy." She smiles and hugs me.

"Although I can't say the same about your parents, your mother might understand but your father..." I nod. "Oh well there's nothing I can do then to tell them but it will be a secret for now ok Wendy?" She nods. "Ok Time to go back home." She nods and we walked out and drove back to the palace.

So many things were going through my mind. How was I going to deal with all the damn gossip from the kingdom. I mean I am the queen I have the ultimate power but, I don't know. I get to the palace and the first person I see is my mother. I go and hug her. "Sweetie are you ok?" I nod. I back away and she gives me a weird look.

"I'm fine." She squints her eyes. "I know you what's bothering you?" I sigh. "I was wondering do you want to have a girls day tomorrow?" She smiles. "I would love too but is everything ok?" I nod. "Yeah you'll find out tomorrow." She gives me a concerned look then nods. "Ok sweetie." She walks away and I stood there afraid as can be.

I started to walk to my room and I bump into my dad. "Rhea so good to see you sweetie." I smiled. "So I might have a lead on Tyler." I sigh. "Really?" He nods. "I'm sorry I haven't found anything it feels like earth swallowed him whole." I hope the earth had swallowed him because if not I would kill him myself for getting me pregnant. I smiled. "It's ok thank you dad." He smiles and hugs me.

"Oh my little one, I love you so much." I couldn't help but cry. I loved my parents so much and I felt like I'm going to disappoint them. I leaned back and he gasped. "Why are you crying?" I laughed. "I'm just blessed to have you all in my life." He smiles and dries my tears. He then gives me a kiss on my forehead. "You are the best blessing in my life my beautiful Rhea." I smiled.

That's when someone calls him over. "It's ok dad you can go." He hugs me then walks away. I quickly walked to my room and laid down on the bed. I caressed my belly. I could not believe that I was going through what my mother when through when she found out she was expecting me. Well at least in her case she had dad, I on the other hand my child's father abandoned us before he knew of his or her existence.

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