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Today I was taking care of Robin and my was I falling more and more in love with this baby. There was just a bond between us that I couldn't understand. He starts to move his little mouth again against my chest which meant he was hungry. I smiled then walked down to the kitchen. "Hey Jen, I need milk for Robin, can you get some for me?" I asked and saw that the kitchen was empty.

"Jen?" I looked around and the kitchen looks the same as how we left it the night before. I smiled. Shes probably with Colin right now. Or she escaped with him. I shook my head and smiled. She deserved to be happy. I went and grabbed some milk and put it in the bottle. I walked outside and started to feed him.

I look at him and continued to smile. Thats when Ian shows. "Good morning you two," he says and I smile at him. "Morning," I say. He sits down next to me and smiles at Robin. "He is awfully cute," he says and I nod. "He is, isn't he?" He nods. "Shame his mother is a horrible person," he says and I sigh. That's when Robin stops drinking.

I sit him up and start to pat his back. After a minute of patting his back he burps. We both smile. "Good job little one," Ian says and I smile. "You want to hold him?" I ask and he sits there with his eyes shot open. "I don't think he'll like me." I laugh. "Nonsense," I say and put Robin in his arms.

He quickly buries his face into Ian's chest. "He's comfortable with you." He smiles as he caresses his head. "Yea I guess he is," he says and I smile. He smiles then laughs nervously. "What?" I ask and he continues to laugh. "Nothing, I just felt like I've lived this before or maybe it's because I want this." I gave him a baffled look.

"You know like we are a family, but I guess it's because I see myself starting a family with you." I gasp. "You do?" I ask nervously. He nods. We continued Stare at each other's eyes and that's when he leans close to me. I close my eyes and we kiss. It was such a sweet and tender kiss. I smiled like crazy afterwards. We sat there and just stared at Robin the whole time.

As we are there I see Colin walking by. "Hey I'll be back, can you watch Robin for a bit?" He nods. "Hey Colin?" I shout and he stops. "What is it maid?" He says and I scoff. "Where's Jen? How'd it go?" He gives me a baffled look. "Who?" I chuckle. "I know you guys are a thing now, it's ok you don't have to pretend." I say and he scoffs.

"Oh you mean that maid that seduced me?" I gave him a weird look. "What?" He nods. "Filthy maid, she kissed me and told me all these lies about me loving her and leaving Lana." He says and my heart dropped. My poor friend, she must be devastated. "And where is she?" He smiles proudly. "Where she belongs?" I snarl. "And where is that?"

"In prison." I gasp. "You threw her into jail?" He nods. "Why?" "She slapped me so I threw her butt in jail." I was completely baffled. This was not the same man that my best friend told me about. "You're an idiot, she loves you and you throw her in jail?" He chuckles. "Watch your mouth maid unless you want to join her." He says and walks away.

I couldn't believe everything he just told me. She's probably hungry and cold and heartbroken. I went and grabbed some blankets, food, water to take to her. "What are you doing with those things Rhea?" Ian asks while still holding Robin in his arms.

"Come with me," I say and he nods. We walk down there and a guard stops us. "Halt no one is allowed to see this prisoner," he says and I scoff. "First of all put that sword away he's holding the prince and second the captain asked me to take these things to the prisoner." I say and he stood there still not letting us pass.

"If you want to get yelled at by captain jones go ahead and deny me the entrance." He scoffs. "Very well." He says and let's us pass. We walked down the dark and spooky hallway. I can't imagine how scared Jen must be. I get to the end of the hallway and I get to the cell where she was at. I looked inside and I see her sitting in the corner with her legs up to her chest.

"Jen," I call out and there's no movement. "Jen, Jen," I scream out and she opens her eyes. "Rhea?" She asks and I nod. She runs up to me and tried to hug me through the cell bars. "How'd you know I was here?" She asks and I shake my head. "Stupid Colin told me, well I sort of went up to him to ask him how it happened and he told me." She sighs. "Im sorry Jen." She nods.

"I don't know what happened, he was fine the other night but last night he was someone I didn't recognize." I nod and that's when she starts to shake. "Here," I say handing her a blanket. She smiles and grabs it. "I also brought you food and water." I smiled. "Thank you." I nod.

"How long are you going to be here Jen?" She shrugs. "I don't know but it's scary being down here." That's when she looks up and sees Ian. "Morning Ian." He smiles. "Im sorry you're in this situation Jen." She half smiles. "It's ok." He nods. "Hey Ian, I don't know how long I'm going to be here so can I ask you for a favor." He smiles. "Yes of course anything". She smiles.

"Take care of Rhea, if I know she's safe and someone's looking out for her I'll be ok in here." He looks at Rhea and smiles. "Of course Jen that's not favor at all." She smiles. She then grabs both of our hands. "I can see that you two love each other, fight to be together, don't let anyone get in between your love." She says and we both nod. "Don't worry about me, I'll be ok, right here." I sigh.

"Don't worry about the kitchen I'll be over looking the other maids." I say and she nods. "Thank you Rhea now go, it's too cold for the prince." She says and I nod. "Be careful you two," she says and I try to hug Jen. She smiles and walks back to the back part of the cell. My heart broke seeing how broken hearted she was. Stupid Colin, how could he have done that?

We go back to the room and I take Robin back to Zelena. I was just wondering why he acted the way he did, it was awfully strange. I was cleaning up my room and that's when I get a flashback of some sort. I see Colin and Jen together and they hug me, and they called me their daughter. I stood there baffled. I continued to clean as that image just continued to play over and over in my mind.

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