Shocking News at the Ball

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I'm walking throughout the corridor and let me tell you life has been hell for me these past few days and tonight there will be a ball to celebrate Rhea's arrival or so I've been told. My mother in law sent Rhea to get ready and I was already fitted into a huge blue ball gown. I mean sure when I was young I always imagined myself as a princess but not when it wasn't the life I wanted. Time passes by and it was time for the ball. I was so nervous because one I had never gone to a ball and second I hated this environment. The ball started and a bunch of little ones were surrounding Rhea. I knew she was having fun because she was such a social butterfly. The music stopped and the Queen had the word. "Thank you my lovely guests for coming here, I would like to let you all know that my grand daughter along with my daughter in law will be staying with us." I sigh. "Please come up my loves." I start to walk and Flora pushes me to the side. "I'm sorry but people that sleep with other women's husbands like you don't belong up there." I gasp. She grabs Rhea's hand and they walk up there. I was so mad. "As you all know my lovely grand daughter Rhea along with Flora my daughter in law will be living with us." I was so furious. "With what right?" I yell out from the crowd. Everyone turns to me and gasps. "Emma who are you to speak like that to her majesty?" Flora says and I scoff. "I am Killian's wife, the one who loves him and is the mother of Rhea." Everyone gasped. "Guards take this tramp away." Flora says and Rhea screams out as the guards come after me. I kick one and then I punch the other. One of the guards grab me. "You have no right to keep her, Rhea is mine." I scream out crying as they were trying to take me away. That's when someone comes and punches the guard that had a hold of me. "Don't you dare touch my wife." Everyone gasps. "Son?" The Queen says as she gets up. I smile as I see that it's Killian. Killian smiles and walks up to me. "Love are you ok?" He asks and I hug him. "Killian oh my gosh I'm sorry that I came without telling you..." He shakes his head and caresses my cheek. I start to cry and I hug him again. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I just didn't think my sister and mother would trick you into coming over." I nod. He grabs my hand and we walk towards the Queen. Rhea comes running over to him. "Daddy." He kneels down and hugs Rhea. "My little one, oh sweetie." "I missed you daddy." She says and tears were rolling down her face. Killian smiles and starts to cry. "I promise I will never leave you or mommy." She nods. "Killian?" His mother says and Killian let's go of Rhea and walks over to her. Killian gets up on the throne. He looks at Flora and Flora gasps. "Thank you all people of Birmingham, I know it's been a while since you've seen me but the ball is over, I'm sorry for the inconvenience have a lovely night." Everyone was murmuring and walking out. He steps down and walks over to us. The Queen walks down from the throne and walks up to Killian. "Killian I can't believe you've come home." He pushes her away. "I came back for my wife and daughter." "I am your wife Killian." Flora says and Killian laughs. "This arranged marriage was a farce, I never accepted it." The Queen walks up to us. "You really don't want to do this, please son why don't you stay here and be happy with us and Flora." He shakes his head. "I already have a family and a woman I love." The Queen scoffs. "You will regret this son." He laughs. "Oh mother the only thing you will gain from this is for my hatred towards you to grow." I stopped Killian. "No don't say that to her, she's your mother." Killian gives me a weird look. "Even if she did all this she's your mom and..." "Fine do whatever you want Killian." The Queen says and walks away along with Flora. Killian sighs. "I'm sorry love for all this mess." I shake my head. Rhea hugs us and I smile. That's when Lacy walks into the ball room. "Emma what happened, why did everyone leave?" She stood there still and Killian turned to her. "Lacy?" Killian says. Lacy smiles. "Is it really you Killian?" Killian nods and smiles. He runs to her and gives her a big hug. He spins her around. "Oh my gosh Lacy, it's been forever since I've seen you." She smiles. "Me too and oh my gosh look at you all grown up and an American." Killian smiles. He hugs her again. "How I've missed you my friend." "Me too Killian." I smiled at the sight of that. "Lacy.." I said and hugged her. "What happened Emma?" Killian gasps. "You two know each other?" We both laughed. "Yes we do." Killian shakes his head and laughs. "Well you know the same issues with my mother in law." Lacy sighs and then Rhea yawns. "I think someone is sleepy, let me take you to sleep." I say and Lacy smiles and grabs Rhea. "I'll take her to her room." I smile. "Are you sure Lacy?" She nods. "Have fun you two." She walks away with Rhea. Killian and I stood there alone in the ball room. "My you look wonderful in that dress." I shake my head. "You told me you were engaged not married." He nods. "I know it's just different here my love, this is why I didn't want you to come, it's not that I don't like my family I just don't like the way that they are and I never agreed to marrying Flora." I nod. He steps back and bows. "May I have this dance?" I gave him a weird look. "I don't know how to dance." He smiles. "Just follow my lead love." I nod. I kept tripping over the dress and Killian would just smile. "You'll get the hang of it." I smile. After a while I got the hang of it. "See you got it." He turns me around then pulls me into a kiss. We let go and are just standing there happy to be in each other's arms. "How I've missed you Emma." I smiled. "So it seems that I married a prince and not an ex thief?" He laughs and nods. "Yea I'm sorry again it's just we had the perfect life and if I told you about it then maybe you would have wanted to know where they were from and all that crap." I nod. "Do you want to live here?" He looks around and smiles. "I spent my childhood here and most of my teen years but I wouldn't think twice about living here. My home is in America with you and Rhea and the FBI." I smile. "I'm sorry again for coming I just wanted Rhea to have a grandma since I didn't have one I.." He interrupts me with a kiss. I could feel him smiling as we kiss. "Emma you are the best and I couldn't have picked a better person to spend the rest of my life with and to be the mother of my child." I blush. "Children actually." He gives me a weird look. "Well I had been wondering if I was pregnant for a while so the day after you left I took a test and it came out positive, I just didn't have time to wrap around the fact that I was pregnant because of all this." He smiles. "Oh my gosh Emma, this is great news indeed." He caresses my cheek. "I promise to never leave you again." I smile. "Our family is growing my love." I nod and caress his cheek. "You ready for what this little one will bring to our lives?" He smiles and kisses me. He then caresses my belly. "I am so ready." I smile and we just stood there embraced in each other's arms not wanting to let go.

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