Chapter 31

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---------- Chapter 31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               “This place is loud,” I half shout.

Haden nods his head and I’m not really sure he heard me.

All of us – except Ellis – decided to head to a nearby club to have a good time.

I’m sort of hoping my friends will take a liking to Haden.

               “I’m going to go get us something to drink,” Haden says, weaving his way through the crowd.

               “I want brandy!” I call after him. But again, I don’t think he heard me!

Sighing, I walk over to where my friends are.        

               “Where’s the boyfriend?” Arthur asks, patting the empty stool beside him.

               “Getting something to drink,” I murmur as I perch on the stool.

Arthur and a couple of the guys are playing some kind of a sloppy drinking game. Blaine already seems a little wasted, which is sorta out of character for him. Sienna is casing the joint, trying to find the cute guys she can flirt with.

               “Hey Skye, can Haden drink?” Arthur asks.

I purse my lips. Come to think of it, I have no idea what his tolerance is like. “I’ve never actually gone out drinking with him.”

He nods his head, smirking.

He’s up to something.

               “You might want to lay off the drinks, Skye,” Blaine says, slinging an arm over my shoulder.


               “Do you really want Haden to see you like that? Just cool it a little,” he continues.

That’s a really good point!

I watch as Haden walks back towards me. He hands me a tiny glass of some pinkish liquid.

               “What’s this?” I ask.

               “A Pink Lady. I think it should be up your street,” he says, clinking his glass with mine.

               “What are you having?”

               “A whiskey on the rocks. Believe me, you’d prefer yours to mine,” he continues, taking a sip.

Arthur smirks at me. “You know, Haden, Skye’s pretty accustomed to drinking. I think she’d know what she likes. Shall I get you some rum, Skye?” he offers.

Haden doesn’t seem fazed. He just wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.

               “I’m good, Art, thanks,” I mumble. I take a sip of the drink and prepare for the icky taste, but it doesn’t come!

This thing is awesome!

               “Like it?” Haden asks, smiling.

               “I love it! Thanks Hay,” I murmur, getting up on my tip toes to kiss his jaw.

Haden just chuckles before turning on Arthur. “I guess I do know her pretty well, huh?”

Arthur rolls his eyes and gets back to his friends.

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