Chapter 8

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---------- Chapter 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Haden’s POV)

               “Haden?” Alex whispers, walking into my father’s room.

I’m sitting on the armchair by his bed, hoping beyond hope that he would wake up. My father is the most knowledgeable about Wraiths. If Skye is being possessed by one, dad would know what to do.

But...he’s just a shell now.

He’s technically alive, or so they tell me. I can’t sense him anymore though.

               “Are you alright?” Alex presses, walking over to me.

I nod my head tightly. “Has the scout begun talking yet?”

Alex gives me an apologetic smile and shakes his head. “He...died, Haden. A few minutes ago.”

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. That’s the fifth man to die in my place this week alone!

               “What happened?” I ask.

               “We don’t know. The healers thought it was shock. Turns out his injuries were more severe than we thought,” he sighs.

Again, I nod my head.

That means we are back to having no information about the Wraiths. You can’t fight what you don’t know! We’re screwed!

               “Is something else troubling you?” Alex asks softly, peering at me intently.

I smirk a little at that. Silly me for thinking Alex wouldn’t notice. “Do you sense my father’s presence anymore, Alex?”

               “No, Haden.”

               “Neither do I. It’s only a matter of time now before his body gives up like his soul,” I whisper.

Alex rests a reassuring a hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly.

               “There’s something else, isn’t there? Something Skye related,” he murmurs.

               “You read me like a book,” I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

               “No,” he contradicts. “I wish I could. But when it comes to her, you’re easy to see through. What’s wrong? Maybe Matt and I could help?”

               “There’s something wrong with her. But I don’t know what it is. I was talking to someone outside of her room and the next thing I know, she’s screaming. I run into her room and she’s clawing at herself, tearing her skin...” I trail off.

               “And you left her like that?” he asks incredulously.

               “Not willingly. Her Wraith dorm mates were waking up. I had to leave. Her friend promised to tell me the moment the coast was clear for me to come see her.”

               “How long have you been waiting?”

               “Too long...Alex, do you believe in possession?”

He pauses for a moment, thinking. “Well, no. It’s virtually impossible to possess an Enmortal or be possessed by one. If we’re talking about humans, then that’s a different matter. Their minds are susceptible.”

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