Chapter 16

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---------- Chapter 16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I wake up to an empty bed, my head pounding.

This seems to happen to me a lot – the empty bed bit. This is definitely one of Haden’s habits I wish would just disappear.

I mean seriously, who wants to wake up alone? Especially after having a romantic night together?

I sit up groggily and walk across the room to Haden’s closet. I rifle through his stack of neatly folded clothes, finally finding a thick jacket. I’m feeling insanely cold, but I’m sweating too. I’m definitely coming down with something.

I pull on his jacket, not bothering to change out of my shorts. I grab a couple of tissues and zombie walk out of the room, trying to find Haden.

I end up running into Matt on the second floor.

               “Morning, Skye. You look like you had a rough night,” he comments, taking in my leaking nose, and puffy eyes.

I nod my head, sniffing miserably. “Where’s Haden?”

Matt gives me an uncomfortable smile and gestures down the hall. “He’s in his dad’s room.”

I immediately tense. “Is everything okay?” I demand.

               “Fine. His Majesty’s condition hasn’t changed at all. Haden goes to his room a lot. I think it helps him think or something,” he explains. “Don’t worry.”

I exhale in relief. “Can I go see him?”

               “Yeah. I think Haden would like that. Just head straight down the hall, take your first left and then straight down to the large double doors.”

I thank him and wonder down the corridor to Haden’s parents’ room. It does feel a little odd, to be honest. But I do want to see Haden.

Quietly pushing the door open, I poke my head in, immediately spotting Haden crouched down by his father’s bedside.

               “...and I’m afraid. I don’t know how to tell anyone; but I’m not ready for this,” Haden whispers.

I bite my lip, leaning further in so I can pick up his hurried words.

               “I’ve been training with Alex a little. I know I’m average, if not slightly above. But average isn’t going to cut it! I’m the one people are looking to. I can’t let everyone down!”

What is he talking about?

               “What do I do, dad?” he asks, sounding pretty miserable himself.

And of all the times for it to happen, I sneeze. Loudly.

Haden’s head whips to the side, as he takes me in. He doesn’t look mad at my eavesdropping; more embarrassed than anything.

               “Hi!” I squeak, embarrassedly.

He quickly gets to his feet, rubbing his neck to hide his embarrassment.

               “Morning, love. What are you doing here?”

               “I came to find you,” I mumble.

Darn! I knew I shouldn’t have eavesdropped on him!

               “You found me,” he says unnecessarily.

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