Part 32: Scully

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Mulder had visited every day after school during the time I was home. Even though Melissa was furious, he still came. She didn't approve of Mulder and continuously complained to my mom about how me was a bad influence on me and that when the baby was born he would just leave and not me part of my life, I didn't believe that. I genuinely thought that Mulder would stay with me when the baby was born and I wasn't wrong. It was three days before my due date and Mulder and I were the only ones home. He had gotten up to get a snack and left me on the couch with the tv on Ancient Aliens. He was taking a while so I got up to check on him and as soon as I stood up there was this piercing pain in my lower abdomen and a lot of liquid ran dow my legs and onto the floor. "MULDER!" I screamed and he came running in. He looked down to see a puddle at my feet and me standing, paralyzed. "MULDER! My water broke!" I screeched and he panicked  "Ok I need to call 9-1-1!" He grabbed his phone and dialed the number. After five seconds ringing they picked up, "Hi, my girlfriend, her water just broke and we need an ambulance, NOW!" I collapsed onto the couch and tightly hugged my stomach. Mulder proceeded to tell the 9-1-1 operator my address and hung up. "They will be here soon Scully, don't worry." He said in the least frantic voice he could. "You need to call my mom." I said before getting another round of contractions. "Ok." He answered and called my mother. "Mrs.Scully, this is Fox. Dana's water broke and you need to meet us that the hospital ASAP." He said and hung up. The ambulance arrived soon after and put me onto a stretcher. I heard one of the paramedics ask Mulder if he was the father and he nodded and joined me in the ambulance. We were on our way to the hospital and Mulder held my hand the whole time saying, "You are amazing, you can do this." I squeezed his hand every time I got a really big contraction. The ride to the hospital was terrible and I couldn't wait for this experience to be over. We got to the hospital and I was rolled into the delivery room while Mulder stayed back. The doctors hooked me up to machines and told me not to worry. My mom came in and took my hand, "Dana, I'm here, you can do this my baby girl!" My mom's words of encouragement helped me so much. The doctors instructed me to push and I followed their orders. It was extremely painful and I couldn't contain myself. I cried and pushed and felt excruciating pain. It was a terrible experience but after about ten minutes of pushing a heard a small yelp and my heart leapt. All of the sudden the pain went away and everyone was clapping. That moment was a blur, all I can remember was that people were congratulating me and my mom was crying and a weight was put in my chest. When I looked to see what it was I saw a wailing little baby covered in blood and fluids and all I could say was, "It's perfect." At that moment Mulder entered the room and ran to me and embraced me as much as he could. The doctor called him over and once again I heard more screaming from the baby. Then they gave me back my baby, clean and screaming. I was the happiest girl in the world, with my baby and my boyfriend.

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